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To the work of M . Pilloniere are added several-letters ^ addressed to him by the learned Fathers of his . Ofcdeiy s € > . rae « of them curious : one is from Father Malebranche , \ which shews htm to be of an amiable disposition , and of a liberal mind ; to this is added , M . Pilloniere ' s formal public renunciation of the errors of the Romish Church . - ' ^
Should the above account be worth inserting in your Miscellany , L will send you this last article ^ for a future number , if desirable . .. lam , Sir , your ' s , T . B .
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A CATHOLIC ' S APPEAL AGAINS ^ TKE ORTHODOX . To the Editor of the Monthly Repository . v Sir ,
As your Repository is conducted on a very liberal plan , J hope a Catholic may be heard in it as well as men of other parties . What I wish to say is , that we Catholics have been unjustly censured and condemned by many Protestants . It is well known that , in speaking ; of the Virgin Mary , we
sometimes call her ' the Mother of God , " and that we sometimes pray to her . For these things we have been charged with blasphemy and idolatry , and tliat too by men who themselves say that the Son of Mary , is . God Almighty , and who frequently pray to him- What I allege is , that if such Protestants be right we cannot be wrong ; , and that they cannot condemn us
without condemning themselves . If the Son of M&ry , be the true God , as multitudes :. of Protestants assert , how can it be wrong for us Catholics to call her " Mary , Mother of God ? n In condemning us for saying CQ Mary , Mother of God / 5 they evidently condemn themselves for saying that the Son of Mary is the only true God ; arid whilst : they think themselves justified in calling the Son , " God , " they justify , by their conduct ,
our-calling the mother " Mother ot God . " As to our praying to Mary , if it be idolatry to pray to her , because she was a woman , who was born and died , how can it be otherwise than idolatry to pray to her Son , who was as really born , and ; did as really die , as hjs mother ? All the , difference is ,, that we pray to both Mother and Son , and they to the Son only ; but if we be idolaters , they must be such also , our practice being essentially the same , though circumstantially different ; both being in the practice of praying to a Being on all hands confessed to
be human . Hoping this short communication will not be denied a place ui your Miscellany , merely because it comes from a Catholic , I remain , Sir , vour ' s , £ cc .
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10 A Cathoii&s Appeal against the Orthodox .
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Monthly Repository (1806-1838) and Unitarian Chronicle (1832-1833), Jan. 2, 1807, page 10, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/mruc/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2376/page/10/