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'Chemical Catechism : 31
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dies for caloric , of specific caloric and the caloric of fluidity j of the thermometer and pyrometer ; of the general and particular effects of caloric upon bodies ; and concludes with an account of a remarkable deviation from the general law of nature in the freezing of water .
Chap . IV . " Of Water / ' treats of the different states in which water exists ; of the formation and decomposition of water ; of the nature of its component elements , oxygen and hydrogen ; of the solidity of water in a state of ice , and its still greater solidity in cements , spars , and salts ; and of the general advantages ' which we derive from water '
Chap . V . "'Of Earths , " treats of the characters of an earth ; of the nature , properties , origin ^ and uses of the nine distinct earths ; and of the collective advantages arising from this class of bodies . Chap . VL " Of Alkalies /' treats of the nature of an alkali ; and of the origin , the distinguishing characteristics , properties , and uses of the different alkalies ; with reflections on the production of such powerful substances from the effete , recrementitious parts of animals and vegetables .
Chap . VII . <• Of Acids /' treats of the orig in and nature of acids in general ; of the particular properties of the thirty-one different acids with which we are at present acquainted ; of the uses of the several acids ; of the composition of various rocks and mountains ; and of other natural productions which are indebted to the acids for their natures and properties . Cftap . y [ II . Of Salts , - commences with the cleJinitioii of a
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salt ; explains how the different salts are distinguished from each other and describes the nature and uses of the new chemical nomenclature : it then enumerates the principal salts of each species , and describes the generic characteristics of each : it next treats of the nature of crystallization ; of the deliquescence , efflorescence , and solubility of salts ; and of the nature and cause of saline decompositions ; it then enumerates the native salts , and concludes with reflections on the immense quantities of salts that enter into the composition of many of the mountainous parts of the globe .
Chap . IX . " Or Simple Combustibles , " commences with the definition of a simple substance , and , after enumerating all the simple substances in nature with , which we are at present acquainted , proceeds to the consideration of the four simple combustibles , h ydrogen , sulphur ; phosphorus , and carbon ; and of the various Compounds formed by their union with other substances . The consideration of carbon occasion ' s reflections on the rich economy of n at u r / e , \ v he re by the ad in i ra , blc variety observable in the vegetable kingdom is produced by the union of only four or five natural substances : ' this leads to the cotisi . deration of the nature and cause *
of vinous fermentation , and the chapter concludes with reflections on 44 > the unbounded comprehension of the Divine mind , which , in th <* act of creation , could loresee and appoint such important effects to result from the combinations and changes of the most inodorous and insipid sub * stances . ' * Chap , X . < S Of Metals , " iirst
Monthly Repository (1806-1838) and Unitarian Chronicle (1832-1833), Jan. 2, 1807, page 31, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/mruc/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2376/page/31/