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If Mi # Fulle ^ and his tfceftnirers , still * diiiark ^ 'tbetp , ground : tenable , thife wo * k ) € erfcainiy * c ^ lte fti r th ^ i r mo # serious attention > as , on M r . F . ' s owii priricipley it tends to set aside bis conclusion in favour of * the 4 nitli of Calvinism , not indeed by a self-righteous patradfc of the superior sanctity of Unitarians , but by the exhibition of facts which cannot be gainsayedy concerning the unholy temper and wieked conduct of Calvifiv :
Chap . 1 C Coosi&ts of preliminaryobservations ; and is divided into ^ Vror sections / Sect . 1 . Con - iaifcls important- remarks on persecutors and persecution . Pers ^ biitfon'N described as the *
offspring ^ Sut ^ tiWd ^ and bi ^ ptr ^ . The iricbttsisteTicy of a p ^ rSecdtingfepirif ' v ^ ithgeiiuine chrHtiarrity is stktedv' The crooked vfrhys of persecutors , - and the mifechievtitlj tendency of their conduct ^ ffit ' yovtiibMf 1 brought into- ¥ fev ^ l J 4 edfe ^^; She ^ ihfat some * of tfie
wisest ^ Hdbest men hite been clii ^ rg ed ^ ithr heteticaf f privity , ^ o I > i- oT ^ tM ^ Mt > \ t ; i 4 rers ^ q the Etfchite ^ abong the ^ trifecks , the WatWyri ^ es ^ mori ^ the Eajfin ? , the > R 6 f 6 l ^ rfers 5 who Were mlled fatfe ^ s * bV the Papist ^ aWtl ^ he
Pu ¥ itaiifs # lio % ere ch ^ i rg etl wfth lifel ^ sy By > thfe Episdbpaflrdr& ; to && £ ' * ' Of J 9 ^ h os ^ l ^ fopti s , Wit Mi ^ i ^ m& ^ ri rf (*• Ji ^ fmcr of Pragjie ^ ' \ vh ^ v ^ erfe a > H pdr&ctitfydL te * htehfti& 5 . Ttf mbvr ort vrhkt
tHViiil ^ 6 utitts rnkuy w ^ re chafed ivitli hfei ^ f t ^ njiidr \ y ; ti& * fe . f ^^ s fQ ttie * J S | ehiJ | 3 felcigfahs whfo ^> fe ( he fcha ^ fbt MaintainWg thai thin by the I ' nere force 6 f JtAAi re ttli ^ nt desire * to do gddd ; J ^ tbritrt , fit' ^ s ^ ting th < 4 t %
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Virgin Mary cmght not to be cklled ; the WtStfi ^ f ot God J fifie Mon othelitesl f 6 r teachibg wdre yras but one will in Jes ^ is £ / hi * ist . Mr . W . observes t $ M * $ " HadL it not hpen fo ¥ the sttp ^ tfrt trinitarianism derived , frotti the
patronage of successire JSmperors ^ , anil its advancing ^ under the banners of the tictoFrous ¦ itmied of Justinian ; by Whi ^ fi ffife ^ - portersf of Ariiift&in \ vet&&u $ hi 3 l
it is pos ^ ibte Aritos mignt MVe bfeeri the reputediilhy and Athii . nasius the reputed n % reiid ^* fo ritis ^ ay *' He pays fcjitet Itfli \ ite ^ f respect to xnodern tTM
tariaus , who ar ^ s tIH 6 h&rg&l # ith heresy by trmny of Hflte refuted ortliodox :, atifl stftir ^ vs ^ t $ C some of the greates t s ' chdia ^ s ^ most distinguished phHosof ) Beft
and profocrnd theologians ^ ^ piir df ^ h-cotoitty htti jirodiic ^ d ' ttitfet We mnfeetfWf tliatdeii ^ limliba c ^ f Christians- : Sect . 3 . Ce ^ tai lis a sifeteniimt of tire circamstift # dfes
which Vender the ^ bb&iriii ^ Bf ^ a fiill atfd impartial atcodift ; W ?[^ - vetus , and many other tepft ^ fed heiratics , extreniely difficult . The remarks , in this section are cal-cu ^
latpd to make the reader ^ autfous hcivr he gives credit to the re $$ tit $ of the reputed ojrt | io 4 px cow ^ cern ^ i ng . those whe diffe r * from them * In sect . 4 v Mn W ; glartc ^ s ^ tift e Btate of the chfistian woi ^ ldcUiiyn to thv period of / Ser ^^^ ujBfer-,. ing « . A ' - -. sbart ^ vie ^ is gi ven ot chris . ttai } ify as ( aught » b y ^^ us anjJ hfs Apostles ^ slffifcjr i ^ t 3 J ^ iRftc m"P & mfMU > $ s » ' m $ of their consolidation i « i ofi&iiili
wield y mass of jsu pj ^ r ^ titio ^ n , and ijiiii'iiity , diu'ihg tne datrkti ^ ss of the miij ^ fe sgssl - [ 't ^ rif ^ m ^ ., - -,: - ¦> - . ¦ / . < r ; . V ; V ¦/ - ^ . . it' v ™ iiK-i ;< ri
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Apology far Dr . M . Btrtretus . $ 5
Monthly Repository (1806-1838) and Unitarian Chronicle (1832-1833), Jan. 2, 1807, page 35, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/mruc/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2376/page/35/