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ritual nature enjoyed at the hand of a merciful Providence , our situation is rendered truly disagreeable by a growing fanaticism and enthusiasm which , degrade the pure and excellent faith of our divine Master , and by a demoralizing infidelity , which , while it . successfully triumphs against the absurd inventions of
men sacrilegiously attached to the religion of Jesus of Nazareth , proudly "boasts of victory over Christianity herself . Having deliberated on the radical causes of the prevailing evil , and candidly discussed the subject among ourselves , we are apprehensive that a
j shamefijl ignorance , on the one hand , and a disposition for licentiousness on the other , combine to give it birth , and that its only remedy lies in the diffusion of religious knowledge , and in a more exemplary deportment among the professed friends of the Christian cause . Aware ,
however , of the difficulty of comprising in a single view the various causes , direct and remote , which contribute to the sad phenomenon ; at the same time sensible that the true causes must be apparent before our exertions to remove it can be directed in such a manner as to
furnish a well-grounded hope of success , the Society propose to their enlightened Christian brethren the following questions ; upon which the answers are expected before the first day of December ,
1807 , in a fair legible hand , copied by another , with a Symbolum , as usual , the author ' s name written in a separate sealed paper , superscribed with the symbolurn ot his dissertation , and forwarded -with the dissertation , free of
postage , to the Rev . John Sherman , Secretary of the Society , — * ' 1 . What are the principal causes of the increasing fanaticism , enthusiasm , and infidelity within the limits of the Middle and Eastern States ?—a . What
are the most potent remedies for these moral diseases ?—3 . In what manner may these remedies be the most successfully applied ? kt The crowned dissertation upon these questions shall be publi-hed , and the author shall receive a premium of fifty dollars . The second shall be noticed
¦ with an accesset . Members of the Society , who write upon the subject , shall ftjgn their dissertations with their proper names , without being candidates for the prize . * The Society also propose the following questions for 1808 — What degree of knowledge in Oriental and
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Greek literature , J ewish antiquities and Ecclesiastical History , is requisite to qualify a Minister of the Gospel to silence the cavils , and successfully to refute the objections of ancient and modern infidels against the Jewish and Christian revelations ?•
" The * Society for promoting Knowledge , &c . appeal to the hearts of their Christian brethren of all denominations , to co-operate with them in the important cause . Each member of the Society pays two dollars at- his admission , and one dollar annually so long as he continues to be a member . Donations in
money , for the general purposes of the Society , or in useful books and tracts , particularly Bibles , to be distributed among the poorer classes , will be thankfully received . The money to be transmitted to Col . A . G . Mappa , Treasurer ,
and the books , ( free of expense ) to the Rev . John Sherman , Minister of the Reformed Christian Church , both residing in Trenton , county of Oneida , and state of New York . A statement of the concerns of the Society shall annually be made at their general meeting .
Signed by order of the Society , JOHN SHERMAN , Sec . " "HORRID SECT . " - ( From the Evangelical JVTagaxine . J—Extract of a letter from a very respectable gentleman in Germany , dated August 15 , i 8 c 6 . — In some parts of Suabia , a horrid sect has lately arisen , of which I have received the following description from
different quarters : The men wear white cockades ; the women distinguish themselves by something worn in the bosom . They deny Christ and the Holy Trinity in a blasphemous manner , and declare the Emperor Napoleon to be the only true God ; they renounce marriage , church , and sacraments ; call every one Thou ; and will not submit to magistrates . I don ' t know how numerous
these mad people are ; but that they are dispersed throughout a considerable district , and maintain such principles , is certain . A subsequent letter from another respectable gentleman in Stutgard , confirms the above account in all material points ; it only adds , that some of the poor deluded fanatics call Buonaparte ytsus Je hovah ; and also mentions , that some of the most obstinate of this
sect have been seized by order of the King of Wirtemberg , on account oi their riotous and rebellious conduct , and
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48 Religious Intelligence
Monthly Repository (1806-1838) and Unitarian Chronicle (1832-1833), Jan. 2, 1807, page 48, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/mruc/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2376/page/48/