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not only the vice-royalty of New Spain , but also the interior provinces ; whence it was to return to Mexico , which was the point of re union . This precious preservative against the ravages of the small-pox has already been extended through the whole of North America , to the coasts of Son or a
and Smaloa , and even to the Gentiles and Neophites of High Pimeria . In each capital a Council has been instituted , composed of the Principal Authorities , and the most zealous Members of the Faculty , charged with the
preservation of this invaluable specific , as a sacred deposit , for which they are accountable to the King * and to posterity . This being accomplished , it was the next care of the X ) irector to carry this part of the expedition from America to Asia , crowned with the most brilliant
succe-s , and , with it , the comfort of humanity . , Some difficulties having "been surmounted , he embarked in the port of Acapulco for the Philippine Islands ; that being" the point at which , if attainable ^ it was originally intended that the undertaking should be terminated .
The bounty of Divine Providence having vouchsafed to second the great and pious designs of the King , Balmis happily performed the voyage in little more than two months ; carrying with him , from New Spain , twenty-six children , destined to he vaccinated in succession , as before ; and as many of them
were infants , they were committed to the care of the Matron of the Foundling Hospital at JLa Corunna , who , in this , as well as the former voyages , conducted herself in a manner to merit approbation * The expedition having arrived at the Philippines , and propagated the
specific in the islands subject to his Catholic Majesty , Balmis , having concluded his philanthropic commission , concerted with the Captain- General the means of extending the beneficence of the King , and the glory of his august name , to the remotest confines of Asia .
In point of fact , the Cow-pox has been disseminated through the vast Archipelago of the Visayan Islands , whose chiefs , accustomed to ^ wage perpetual war with us , have laid down their arms , admiring the generosity of an enemy , who conferred upon tfiem the bies in ^ s of health and life , at the time when they were labouring under the ravages of an
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epidemic small-pox . The principal persons of the Portuguese colonies , and of the Chinese empire , manifested themselves no less beholden , when Balmis reached Macao and Canton ; in both "which places he accomplished the introduction of fiesh virus , in all its activity ,
l > y the means already related—a result "which the English , on repeated trials , had failed to procure , on the various occasions when they Drought out portions of matter in the ships of their Kast India Company , which lost their efficacy on the passage , and arrived inert .
After having- propagated the Vaccine at Canton , as far as possibility and the political circumstances of the empire would permit , and having confided the further dissemination of it to the physicians of the English factory ' at the abovementioned port , Balmis returned to Macao , and embarked in a Portuguese
vessel for JLisbon ; where he arrived on the 15 th August . In the way he stopped at St . Helena , in which , as in other places , by dint of exhortation and perseverance , he prevailed upon the English to adopt the astonishing antidote , which they had undervalued for the space of more than eight years , though it was a discovery of their nation , and though it was sent to them by Jewner himself .
Of that branch of the expedition which was destined for Peru , it is ascertained that it was shipwrecked in © nc of the mouths of the River de la Magdalena ; but having derived immediate succour from the native ? , from the Magistrates adjacent , and from the
Governor of Carthagena , the Sub-director , the three Members of the Faculty who accompanied him , and the children , were saved , with the fluid in goad preservation , which they extended in that port and its province with activity and ¦/• success . Thence it was carried to the
Isthmus of 1 ' anama ; and persons , properly provided with all necessaries , undertook the long and painful navigation of the River de la Mag-dalena ; separating , when they reached the interior , to discharge their commission in the towns of
TeiurifFe , Mompox * Ocana , Socoiro , San Gil y Medellin , in the valley of Cucuta , and in the cities of Pamplona , Giron > Tunj . t , Velez , and other places in the neighbourhood , until they met at Santa Fe ; leaving every where suitable instructions for the Members of the Fa ~ culty 3 andj in the more considerable
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Miscellaneous Intelligence . 51
Monthly Repository (1806-1838) and Unitarian Chronicle (1832-1833), Jan. 2, 1807, page 51, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/mruc/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2376/page/51/