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calamities in future , will be a source of satisfaction to me to the remotest period of life . This description of an undertaking- so conducive to the security of navigation will not , I trust , be deemed too highly coloured ; the facts are incontrovertible , the utility is indisputable . So long as this noble edifice shall stand
unshaken on its iirm foundation , and . lift its aspiring summit to the view of \ he admiring spectator , it will remain a conspicuous monument of the humanity and munificence of the British nation , unparalleled by any other of the
maritime states on the face or the globe . May the kind providence of Almighty God favour this and every other effort of national utility with success , and crown with glory the ardent courage and determined resolution of our
matchless seamen , in defence of their native land \ While afflicted Europe mourns fter desolated provinces and subjugated state * may the United Kingdom , firm in loyalty , in patriotism , and every JttlJ' ^ lt lgli . ' - ~ . " ' J ' . l ' J I -J-lLLft - K jU £ ***<*» < tJAi- > J ^* Ll'icJH ' . k-tfJt . Hi * l iW- ' -CJ ail . ' . V m V ¦ »"¦** . i | fJUWB
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RELIGIOUS . Physical s ^ icl Metaphysical Enquiries © n Matter , Deity , and Free Will . 8 vo . - # > - j ^ . Considerations on the Alliance between Christianity and Commerce , applied to the present State of this Country , is .
The Leading features of the Gospel Delineated , in an attempt to expose some IJnscriptural Errors ; particularly the abstard Tenet , that Mistakes in Religion are of trifling consequence . By Nicholas Hoare , Minister of Dornock , Dumfriesshire . 8 vo . ys 6 d .
Bibliotheca Sacra ; or , General Dictionary of the Bible ; explaining every Word 3 Term , History , Type , Doctrine , Hace , &c . occurring in the Sacred Oracles , i vols . 8 vo . il . 2 s . A Sermon preached at the Opening" of the Chapel of the Philanthropic Society , Nov . 9 , i 8 c 6 . By Vicesimus Knox , IX D . as .
Strictures on a Visitation Sermon preached at Danbury , in 3 issex , July 8 , x 8 o 6 . ss . An Essay on Marriage ; or , the Duty of Christians to Marry Religiously ; with a few Reflections on Imprudent Marriages . By W . ] dy . 8 vo . is . 6 d .
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exalted virtue , oppose an insurmountable barrier to the impetuous torrent which threatens to overwhelm the earth I May Britain ever continue the envied possession of the Empire of the Main , and lifting her unclouded head
with distinguished lustre amid the gloorn which , at this awful crisis , overshadows the world , exhibit to desponding nations a bright example of glory—invincible on every hostile shock , unshaken as the rocks which guard her sea-girt shore .
N . B . —The height of the building , from the basis to the summit , is 85 feet , and from the level of the sea 230 feet The lanthorn contains three frames , with seven large lamps and reflectors in each , making in the whole twenty-one . The li g hts revolve , and the motion is horizontal . One of the lights is red , to distinguish Flamborough lights from all others ; and in a clear night , they may be seen at the distance of thirty miles .
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The Doctrine and Duty of Sel £ . Examination ; two Discourses . By J , A . Haldane . Preparation for Death , and the Parable of the Sower ; two Sermons . By the late Rev . W , A . Gunn . 8 vp . is . The Albion Catechism ; Illustrating the Doctrines and Duties of the Christian Religion . 121110 . is . 6 d . bound .
A Concise Statement of the Evidence for the Obligation of Christian Churches to celebrate the JLord ' s Supper , every Lord ' s Day . 6 d . The Work and Reward of Faithful Deacons ; a Sermon addressed to the Baptist Monthly Association ; with an Appendix , including a Sketch' of the Character of the late Mr . Booth . By W . Newman , is .
A Chart of the Revelations of Saint Jo hn . . is . Lectures delivered in the Parish Church of Wakelield , in the year 1802 , on that Part of the Liturgy of the Church of England contained in the Morning Prayer . By Thomas Rogers * M . A . 4 vols . crown 8 vo . il . 4 s . A Defence of the Established Protestant Faith ; a Sermon * preached in the Parish Church of St . Mary , Newington
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54 New Pullications
Monthly Repository (1806-1838) and Unitarian Chronicle (1832-1833), Jan. 2, 1807, page 54, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/mruc/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2376/page/54/