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Untitled Article
56 Correspondence .
Untitled Article
The Friendly Letter of the " Accidental Discoverer ' ' did but lately reach us . We li ^ ve taken all po-sible means of making the Monthly Repository known . If this Correspondent or any other person wish to assist us in increasing its publicity , he may be supplied with any number of copies of the Prospectus at the Pub-Jishers . The i reasurer and Secretary of the Unitarian Fund are , Joseph Hold ? n , Esq . Lombard-street , and Rev . Robert Aspland , Hackney ; the Treasurer and Secretary of the Unitarian Book Society are , Ebenczer Jo hnston , Esq . Bishopsgate-sueet Within , and Rev . Jeremiah Joyce , Gloucester Place , Camden Town ; of whom accounts may be readily had of both those Societies .
We are not able to give our Correspondent the information he requests concerning the Unitarian Academy at York , the only one , we believe , in the kingdom : but some of cur readers may posibly lay before the public , through the means of our Magazine , a particular account of this Institution . The li Accidental Discoverer '' expresses a desire of subscribing to the York Academy , and the two Unitarian Societies , before named .
Untitled Article
Canine Gratitude . By Toseph . Taylor . 3 s . ; , ,- ¦ - : f . ¦ f The Physics , or Physical Auscultation of Aristotle . Translated from the Greek , with copious Notes . By Thomas Taylor , 5 I . 5 s . To be had only of the Author , »
Evolution ; or , a Letter to Correspondents on the Eversion in which the Forces and Mechanism of Planetary and Conietary Motions are developed , Sac . By Thomas Corniquls , JVI . A , 8 vo . 3 s . 6 d . sewed . An English and Welch Vocabulary ; or an Easy Guide to the Ancient British Language . By Thomas Evans . To which is prefixed a Grammar of the Welch Language . By G . T . Richards . T 9-mn . 05 .
The Life of Geo . Washington , Commander in Chief , Sec . Sec . Compiled under the Inspection of the Hon . Bushrod "Washington , from Original Papers . By John Marshall , Chief Judge of the United States . 5 vols . . ato . . 7 L 17 s . 6 d . Demy 8 vo . zl . i ^ s- 6 d . Views . Maps , and Plans . Pubiic Characters of 1806—7 . Svo . IO 3 . 6 d . Four Portraits . The Works of Walter Scott , Esq . 5 vols . Royal 8 vo . 5 I . js .
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V A Supplement to Dr . Johnson's Dictionary of tfee English I ^ acigiiag ^ , or a Glossary of Obsolete and Prdvihcial Words . By the late Rev . Jonathan Boucher , A . M . Part I . 4 to . 7 s . 6 d . Authentic Narrative of the Death of . Lord Nelson . By William Beatty , M . D . Surgeon to the Victory . 8 vo . 7 s . Royal paper , 10 s . 6 cL Portrait and Engraving of the Eall . An Index to the History of English Poetry . By Thomas Warton , 3 . D . late Professor of Poetry In Oxford . 4 to « 9 s . 6 d .
A New , Easy , and Complete Grammar of the Spanish Language . By J . E . Mordenti . iztno . $ s . bound . Tales from Shakespeare . Designed for the Use of Young Persons . By Charles Lamb . Twenty Engravings . 2 vols . i 2 mo . 8 s . Recreations in Mathematics , and | Natural Philosophy . From the French of M . Ozanam and M . Montucla . By Charles Hutton , L . L . D . and F . R . S . 4 large vols . 8 vo . 96 4 to . Plates . 3 l- 3 - Anecdotes of Literature , ^ nd Scarce Books . By the Rev . William Beloe . % vols . 8 vo . 16 s .
Monthly Repository (1806-1838) and Unitarian Chronicle (1832-1833), Jan. 2, 1807, page 56, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/mruc/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2376/page/56/