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and therefore the moral effect of this Creed would be but ntro ^ atory ^ were not the attributes , as well as the person of the Deity divided ^ and some unamiable views associated with the first person in the Trinity , which have lessened the comforts of social life , and produced gloom and austerity in the minds of
individuals ; witness Calvin himself . But there is another doctrine connected with this , the moral tendency of which is far from being so innoxious -, concerning which , I have a few thoughts to offer , if what I have now written , shall be thought worthy of your notice . Norwich , Mar * 5 ^ 18 O 7 . Anti Calvinist .
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the Protestant ' s appeal against the catholic . To the Editor of the Monthly Repository . Sir , Your Catholic Correspondent , in his zeal against the Protestants , has not only given a "false colouring to their sentiments , hut has either forgotten or discarded the doctrines of his own Church . Permit me therefore to call his attention for one mo ^ ment to , what appears to me , a more correct view , both of the Protestant and Catholic belief of Christ .
The first Reformers , and the majority of the Protestants of the present day , believe Christ to have a twofold nature , that he is , and was God from all eternity , and that in time he took upon him the nature of man , which human nature was conceived by the Holy Spirit , and born of the Virgin Mary . Thus far I believe both . Protestants and Catholics are agreed ; but the
latter have been induced by their zeal for the Virgin Mary , ta call her the mother of God , though this is not true upon their own , any more than upon Protestant principles ; neither of them believing that Christ derived his Godhead or divine nature from the Virgin , but that he was God from all eternity ; hence the Protestants have justly objected to Mary being called the Mother of God / ' The above distinction between the divine and human nature of Christ which is admitted by the Romish Church , is entirely overlooked by your Correspondent .
O / s apology for his fraternity ' s praying to the Virgin Mary , is a curious morceau ; certainly the pen of a Popish advocate never produced such an apology before . In what part of the Roman Ritual , does he find Christ and the Virgin put upon an equality ? In what part does he find Deity ascribed to the latter ? The difference between us and the Papists is , that we pray to a Being acknowledged by us both to be God as well as man ; they pray to a Being considered by themselves as a mere creature . If Idolatry , therefore , consist in worshipping the creature instead of th c
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192 The Protestant * s Appeal against the Catholic *
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Monthly Repository (1806-1838) and Unitarian Chronicle (1832-1833), April 2, 1807, page 192, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/mruc/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2379/page/24/