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DEFENCE OF TRANSUBSTANTIATION . To the Editor of the Monthly Repository . Sir , As you favoured my former communication with a place in your Repository , I now ,, according to my promise , send you a very short defence of the doctrine of Transubstantiation , foundr ed on modes of argument admitted , and acted upon , by orthodox Protestants . The matter lies in small compass .
Orthodox Protestants admit that the scriptures contain doctrines which are above reason , that Christians must believe what they cannot comprehend , that we are called not to reason but to believe , and that the use of reason is , in certain instances , superseded by the awful mandates of Heaven , which require an implicit assent to the words of scripture . On this orthodox
Protestant ground , which we Catholics have ever approved , I take my stand , and feel the defence of Transubstantiation , perfectly easy . I find it in the express words of our Lord Jesus Christ .
He said , " My flesh is meat indeed : '" and he told the Jews , u except ye eat the flesh of the son of man , and drink his blood , ye have no life in you . " At the institution of the holy Eucharist , he said of the br ' ead , ' This is my body , " and of the cup ,
This is my blood . " I know Protestants say it is unreasonable to suppose the bread and wine are changed into the real body and blood of Christ ; but who are they , that they should presume to set carnal reason , ( for they acknowledge on other occasions that reason is carnal , ) in opposition to the express words , of scripture r I grant that transubstantiation is above reason " , and that it cannot be comprehended ; but that ought to be no
reason for its rejection , at least , with orthodox Protestants ; they have only to proceed in the same way as they do in several other cases , to believe what they cannot comprehend , not to reason , but believe , and every obstacle to their reception of the doctrine of transubstantiation , is at once removed . Orthodox Protestants believe several other doctrines , and hold them to be fundamen-
tal doctrines of the gospel , which arc as much above reason and as incomprehensible , as transubstantiation . It is as much contrary to reason , and above all human comprehension , that three are one and one three—that we are all guilty and sinful before we are capable of acting wrong—that the sins of the
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/ ¦ W Defence of Tfansubstantiation . 193
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Creator , although Q . has failed in his charge of idolatry against us , it still reverts with unabated force against himself and brethren . Candidus *
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YOL , II . 2 D
Monthly Repository (1806-1838) and Unitarian Chronicle (1832-1833), April 2, 1807, page 193, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/mruc/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2379/page/25/