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guilty should be imputed to an innocent person ^ and his righteousness imputed to the guilty—that a person who was true and very God should be born and die ; as for bread and wine to be changed , by some unknown operation of divine power , into the
very body and blood of Christ . The plain fact is ^ reason has nothing to do with any of these things , but to assent ., without cavil or objection , to the truth of them : and if Protestants will be so weak , as to follow the blind guide , reason ^ it is not only the doctrine of transubstantiatioru but the above doctrines ^ which themselves hold to be most sacred ^ they must renounce .
Imagining that I have sufficiently proved my pointy and shewn that transubstantiation stands on the same ground as several orthodox Protestant doctrines , only that the former has the advanta g e , being more fully expressed in scripture ; for though Chris ! never said , there are three persons in one God , nor uttered one word concerning ; original sin , nor said that the sins of
men were imputed to him , nor that he was God Almighty , which things Catholics and orthodox Protestants agree in bej ievino ;; he did say of the bread ., " This is my body ; " and of the wme , " This is my blood . " I shall conclude with observr ing , that by this time it must appear , that we Catholics have been very ill-treated by Protestants . They have ridiculed and abused us for believing what is above reason and cannot be coriir prehendedj while themselves have all the time been doing the Jiame thins : ; and so bv condemning us they have condemned themselves , and have been guilty of an inconsistency not chargeable on us , that of rejecting some things because they thought them unreasonable , while they retained others equally unreason- ' able .
I remain yours &c . Feb . 5 , 1807 . Q , P . S . — If you favour this short defence of Transubstantiation with a place m your Miscellany , I shall not trouble you further on these subjects , only before I lay down my pen , I wish to say one word on the subject of persecution , which I detest as much as any of you Protestants . I think it a little hard that the persecuting temper and conduct of our forefathers should b . e so often thrown in our teeth ,, while Calvin and other Protestant leaders , who were great persecutors , arc ^ ilnipst idolized hy the persons v . ho arc ever reflecting on us for the crimes ot former generations of Catholics : I < im £ >; lad , however ., to find the persecuting temper and conduct of Calvin , and other Protestants ,
is justly exposed and censured , in ( lie ^ polojry for Servetus ., reviewed in vonr [ Lonository for Jai ; iiarv .
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194 Defence of Transuhstantialfon .
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Monthly Repository (1806-1838) and Unitarian Chronicle (1832-1833), April 2, 1807, page 194, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/mruc/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2379/page/26/