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be much struck with the following : extract from his Sermon on the Last Judgment ; expressed in language too strong , per ~ haps , to be ventured upon by a writer of the present day 7 * . a But there is a worse sight yet than this ? which in ih&t great assembly shall distract ouf sight and amaze oar spirits * There men shall meet the partners of their sins r and them that drank the round
while they crowned their heads with folly * and forgetful ness , and their cups with wine and noises . There shall ye see that poor perishing soul whomthou didst tempt to adultery and wantonness , ta&runRenness and perjury , by power or craft , by witty discourses or eleep-dis- * sembling , by eyi ! example or pernicious counsel ; and when all this is reckoned up , and from therariety of particulars drawn out into a formidable sum , possiWy we may find enough to scare our confidence . For however we may now make light account concerning ; it ^ assuredly it will be a fearful circumstance , to see one or ten or twenty souls despairing , miserable , fearfully cursing thee as the cause of their unspeakable sorrows . Thy lust betrayed and rifted her weak unguarded irmoceace ; thy example made ihy servant confident to lie or to be perjured ; thy society brought a third into iintemperance ,, and the disguises of a beast ; and when than seest that saul with whom thou didst sin , dragged to its deserved punishment , well may * st thou fear to drink the dregs of thy intolerable potion . Tar since Trery many sins are sins of society and confederation , such as fornication , drunkenness , bribery , and many others , it is a hard and weighty consideration ,, what shall become of any of us who have * tempted onr brother or sister to sin and death . And though CJoil hath spared oar life , yet they perhaps arc dead , and their debt-books are sealed irp till the day of account . Thus the mischief of our sin
is gone before us and is like a murder , but more execrable *; the soul is dead in trespasses and sins ; and thou shalt see , at doom ' s day , what damned uucharitableness thou hast done . That souf , that cries to those rocks to co ^ er her , if it had not been for thy perpetual temptations , might have followed the Lamb in rob <\ s of white ; ziu \ that poor man who is clothed with shame , might have shitted in g"lory , but that thou didst force him to he a partner of thy baseness . Of all the considerations that concern this part of the horrors of the last day , nothing can be more formidable than this to those whom it doth concern , AikLtruly it doth concern so many , that most mercifully Jiath our JLord interwoven in the fearful circumstances of his-second
coining tins one comfort relating to this , which , to my sense , is th © most fearful and killing circumstance , ' Two shall be grinding together , the one shall be taken , the other left ; two shall be in a bed , the one shall be taken , the other left ; ' that is , those who are confederates in the same actions may yet have a different sentence . An early and active repentance may wash off the black account ; and though it ought to make us doubly diligent , careful and penitent , hugel y penitent as long as we live , and if it "do $ <> when vvc shalt
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Parallel Passages of Mr . WellhelcvetFs R Bp . Taylors . 3 Q 9
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Monthly Repository (1806-1838) and Unitarian Chronicle (1832-1833), Aug. 2, 1807, page 399, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/mruc/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2383/page/3/