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air . c appjl ' s dissertations . T ^ Jhj ? Mdit ar of the Monthly Repository *
sir , Nov . 24 , 1807 . I join issue perfectly with your correspondent , Quaero , ( M . Repos . Vol . 'II . 484 ) in the surprise expresbed by him that the Dissertations of the late Rev , New come
Cappe , published by his widow , should have obtained so little attention . I am not qualified , Mv . Editor ^ by a critical knowledge of the original languages , any more than " this writer , to apprecu ate duly file justness of such of
Air . Cnppe ' s remarks as are the result , or as may fairly be deduced , from any supposed emendations in our common version , but , if I mistake not , the Dissertation particularly referred to by < him , namely , ^ Ji at on the meaning of the terms—kinudoiH of God—of
heaven—and of Christ , may I 5 e nearly , if n ; t quite as completely , understood by the unlettered man , of plain understanding , who will read' it with an unprejudiced mind , accompanying the author
in his patient research into tile real import of the nuYnerous passages there referred to , and which mutually explain each other , as the most profound scholar . That it should not have beeji read with
attention surprises me more , because 1 think that an accurate knowledge of this peculiar phraseology , 4 < the kingdom of heaven is at hand , " used constantly by
the Baptist , by Christ himself , and afterwards by the Apostles , is essential to the forming just ideas of his divine mission , and because 1 do nor know that any other writer has $ p clearly and ! deep *
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rately unfolded its tneanihg , Surely , if there be a subject with which it is important that a Christian should be well
acquainted , it is the full import of rhe language used by his mastery respecting the nature of that kingdom which it was the great ob ~ ject of his divine mission to
announce . Now , Sir , if the learned author of this Dissertation be right , ari ( J that he is so , appeals Xo liiy mind with all the force of demonstration , the terms—kingdom of heaven , or reign of heaven—of God
•—and of Christ—are synonymous , " and signify , fh their primary ac * ceptation , that dispensation or *' state ajl'things which was to tkkqf J place after the ascension of otflp Lord into heaven ; and to constj ^ L
tute a % oi \ ce an illustrious reward for his great sufferings in the caiisft of truth and virtue ; a Striking evidence of his being in actual possession of that reward ; and a $ the same time a means . of supplflf
ing his disciples with an ^ accurate recollection of past evems ; with the spirit of prophecy rcspectirtg some that were yet future j ajid with such other ipiraculous powers * as were essential to the success of their great and important mission .
This kingdorq , or reign of Christ , commenced then with th <» effusion of the Holy Spirit on the day of Pentecost , arid terminated with the destruction of the Jewish state and polity by the Roman armies under Titus , when in the striking and magnificent imagery of Eastern hyperbole , Christ jp
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C 27 )
Monthly Repository (1806-1838) and Unitarian Chronicle (1832-1833), Jan. 2, 1808, page 27, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/mruc/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2388/page/27/