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not left without a security , in case his preaching should be obnoxious lo the rulers of the church , I will shew at another opportunity ; but on this point it is evident that Mr . Cler .
JDunelm has been led away by common-place talk , without any examination of the subject . But let us view the case in another light . Mr . Stone contradicts the Articles of the
Church . Is he singular in this case ? An aged clergyman , after fifty years study of the scripture , catted upon by the archdeacon to preach , speaks what he believes to be the truth . The time and place of audience were most suitable to such a discourse . Let us compare his case with that of the present Bishop of Lincoln . His lordshi p * not called upon ,
publishes a book , which has gone through as many editions as Mr . Stone ' s sermon , and in that book impugns the articles of the Church of England . To prove this , I will give you the words of the articles , and the words of the bishop . The articles say , Ci There are three creeds , which ought thoroughly to be received and believed , tor they may be proved by most certain warrants of holy scripture / ' Now one of these creeds says , * Ci This is the catholic faith , which except a man believe faithfully , he canuot * be saved . Whosoever" will be saved ,
before all things n is necessary , that he hold the catholic faith ; which faith except every one do Jteep whole and undefined , without doubt he shall perish everlastingly . '* Now what does the Bishop of Lincoln say of these points ? Consult the s *; cQwd vo-
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lume of his Elements of Thea * logy , page 224 , and you find him contradicting in point blank language , the church , or , in the
words of Mr . Stoned citation , impugning the articles : for the Bishop of Lincoln says , ** We are not to consider all , who differ from us , as unworthy of , or ex * eluded from the favour of God . "
The Bishop and the church of England , are as completely at issue , as Mr . Stone a ? fd the church of England . One impugns one article , and the other another article . But to make
the point still clearer , the 3 islfij > of Lincoln asserts hi page 223 , that " it is utterly repugnant to the attributes of God , and it cannot be reconciled to our idea *
of . common justice , that a person should be consigned to eternal punishment , because he did not believe certain articles of faith , which were never proposed to hitn , or of the truth of which he was
not qualified to judge . * ' la another place , p ^ ge $ 22 , thm Bishop of Lincoln says , " Lean , not but conceive it to be both
unnecessary and presumptuous to say , that except every one 4 q keep them whole and undcfiled , without doubt he shall perish everlastingl y / 1
Now , Sir , I do not blame th # Bishop of Lincoln for any one of these assertions . On the contrary , I believe him to be perfectly in the right , and the church to b * perfectly in the wrong . But
according to Mr . Cler . Dunelm— - * ' As it is , the bishop of Lincoln hath forfeited his trust , he hath violated his solemn pledge , and is , therefore , as justly , proceede 4 against , as the king might pro . * ce&d against any military pffiiceiy
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AD The Layman ' s Examination of the Rev . F . Stone * s Case *
Monthly Repository (1806-1838) and Unitarian Chronicle (1832-1833), Jan. 2, 1808, page 30, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/mruc/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2388/page/30/