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tnho had forfeited his trust . ' ^ Lgnint this assertion I enter my protest , I do assert , that neither the bishop of Lincoln nor Mr . Stone , though both impugners of the articles , have violated their trust , or done any thing more than
what they solemnly covenanted to do , when in the sight of God an l the church they vowed to teach and preach according to the scriptures . It is of importance that this qucstioQ should be settled . Mf . Stone and the Bishop of Lincoln have impugned the articles ; the orte in a sertupn , the other in a
publication . , But has not Mr . Cler . Dunelm ever impugned the articles ? I pever read or heard any fcf his sermons : but I have not the
Untitled Article
^ ETITPIEURJB ON THE DIVINK GitfODNISS . i To the Editor of th e Monthly Repository . t , t
» ir , ¦ * Permit me , through the medium f your excellent publication , to [tfall the attention of your readers ' to a book which is not sufficiently known in the religious world . It < is entitled" Thoughts on the divine goodness relative to the government of moral agents , particularly displayed in future rewards and pu *
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The Monthly Reviewers in their remarks on a worklately published by the Rev . Mr . Clarkson , entitled ** . A-Portraiture of Quaker risip /' ' having briefly opposed that peculiar opinion of the Quakers which asserts that th * * inward light" or " divine piritf *
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least doubt that he has impugned them over and over again . My reason for this opinion is , that I do not believe that any two clergymen in this kingdom agree in their exposition of the articles ; and if Mr . Cler . Dunelm differs in any on « point he hath as much forfeited his
trust , as much violated his solemn pledge as Mr . Stone . I put it solemnly to the conscience of ) Mr , Cler . I > ttoelmt whether he is not as guilty as Mr ; Stone ; and in the day whea the secrets of all hearts ? are to be revealed , an appeal to the authority of the thhrty-nin « articles , will be treated with thscontempt it deserves A . LAYMAN ,
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nishments . Translated from ttit French of Petitpierre / ' It abounds with such excellent remarks on the divine goodness , that I am persuaded not any person who will read it with attention but will b * sorry he had not known it sooner . I am , Sir , yours , OMICRON .
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> 0 of which every man possesses a portion , is superior to the scriptures , inasmuch as the one is primary and the other merely secondary ; ha ; 5 induce ^ one of t hei r ftiends und ^ r thei signature o £ : " PbHo '' to transmit to the re ^ viewers a ^ p ^ per tending to eluci-
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Ptpitpierre on the Divine Goodness .. — InivarS ^ LigktJ * 3 t
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Monthly Repository (1806-1838) and Unitarian Chronicle (1832-1833), Jan. 2, 1808, page 31, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/mruc/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2388/page/31/