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fefi&U see the spirit descending and remaining on him , the § ame is be tvhich baptizeth * with the Holy Ghost . " And Fsaw and bare record that this is the son of God /* This narrative seems to me to be in direct contradiction to that of
Matthew , There John is stated to have known Jesus , and to have kndwn him as the ^ promised Messiah , previous to his baptizing him ; here he is stated to hare
said that at the time Jesus applied to him for baptism , he knew him not :, and that until he was baptized , there ^ should be no display or declaration On the part of God concerning Christ . This at least is what the words deem to me to
imply , and it apnpars most probable that the rarnativg of John is 1 he true one , since if John was equally ignorant with the rest of the Jewsj if not of the person , at
least of the character of Christ , no juggle or collusion of any kind could possibly have taken place between them . I do not know that there is not in existence
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JUDGMENT OF THJfc WORI © BY JESUS CHRISTa * • 4 * . .. . _ ^ ; To the Editor of the Monthly Repository .
Sir , In castkig my eye over the Rev . T , Belsham ' s Strictures &c . in your last month ' s Repository ,
( Vol . II . p . 587 ) I observed two or thre § ingenious suggestions relative to a scripture doctrine , about which I have for a long time ^ past held a peculiar opinion , I ihean tife doctrine - of Jestfs Christ ' s
appointment to be the finjal and universal judge of the world . Whether Mr ; . Belsham hath given the jptpjperm ^ iiinaof th £ passages
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an explanation of tEts seeiftinrg contradiction , but as I am not much a reader of what are denominated notes on , or
explanations of the scriptiiresr , it has not chanced to fall jn my way . It is a fortunate thing for persons \ vho are like me , unacquainted wirii the-niceties and subleties of" con - troversial discussion , and whx > can find m the scriptures in general ^ nothing but what is plain and practical , that there is such a work in existence , as the Reposiri
tary , where a sin cere ^ istiait desirous of information which be may stand in need of can apply for it without shame or fear . That your excellent publication may long coiftiuud to be applied
4 o , and be supported by every si » - cere fiiend to rational infcjuiry ^ and that it may be the means of extending the knowledge of the scriptures and enlightening the minds of the many who at present sit in darkness , is the earnest wisfi 'Ofyour ' s , &c . INQUIRER ..
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quoted by him ornot , is not material ; but , I think it must be allowed , that he hath satisfactorily established jjyjBkiain position , Vi ^ kUy
That the ^^ K of Jesus of NaztretA , ' ^ M |^ res § fct irffon - simnt with ^ pbeing ^^ pokted to judge the f wfif .
Respecting the obscurity and difficulties which still seem to cover Matt . xix \ 23 , and 1 Cor . v ^ 6 ^^ ^^ other passages relativPio " the judginent of the world Vy Jaiit ( Jiirut ; - ^ -wotflcl
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Judgment of tite World by Jesus C&rist . 9 f ^
Monthly Repository (1806-1838) and Unitarian Chronicle (1832-1833), Jan. 2, 1808, page 39, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/mruc/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2388/page/39/