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be preached by Mr . Palmer , in behalf of the society , on Bartholomew-day last . The sermon was accordingly prepared ; but , fraiti what c £ ttse does not appear , the * day was suffered to pass by without
any notice of the engagement ^ on the part of the managers of the 46 Independent Union . " An" Independent Union" is riot far remote fr * m-a solecism ; and this is no auspicious beginning of the Union of Independents , The discourse consists of refleclions , founded on the history of
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aatFt , 3 ECTioTsrs tm- the close o ; tf THE YEAR . TJie year is gone . —The year so merdful , * That fcafac * torkh smiling plenty tnttWr doorfc And bid us welcome . Gay its blushing spring ,
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And long and beautiful hi Iwramere bright And beneficent , 'the golden autumnpo ' ur' 4 O * er all th £ land its bounty ; and mild its close : Fo * winter huttied on With thronded btOiTi ¦ «
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44 Review . —Stone ' s Visitation Sermon .
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Pauls persecutions 9 they-are natural and sensible . Mr . Palmer is well known as the advocate Jpf religious liberty ^ and of the Pxo - testant dissent ; and his present publication is not unworthy of the author of the " Nonconformist ' s Memorial . " His hrethreiH tne Independents , have , w « thh > k , something to answer for to the public , for the slight put upon one of their most respectable ministers , whether we regard his age , his services , his talents , or his principles . . Q »
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Art . VH .-S—Jewish Prophecy , the sole Criterion tp distinguish between * genuine ! and spurious Christian Scripture ; or art humble Aiteiftpf ' % '¦ ' to remove the grand Obstacles to the Conversion of Jews And Deists to $ fe Christian * Faith y affectionately submitted to their Considera ~ tion * A Discourse ^ preached b efore the Rev . Dr . Wi lliam Gretton , ' jirckdeacon of Essex , at his Visitation at Danbury > r on Tv-esday r the § th of July 1806 . By Francis Stone , Mi A . F . S . A . Rector of Cold Norton , Essex ; Author of "A Call to the Jews . " The ^ hird Edition . 8 vo . 1 $ . 6 d . London , Eaton , 1808 .
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This sermon , which we noticed on its first appearance ^ ( Vol . I . p . 490 . ) has come to a third edition . We formerly expressed our admiration of th « boldness of the preacher in delivering it , and we cannot now help expressing our admiration of his boldness in republishing it for the third time , pending his pr 6 secution / oh adiCount of it , in the spiritual court . We rejoice in its lepublication , Because it will draw the attention i > f the public to & matter which
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serves to shew the nature of ecclesiastical government , wherever exercised , whether in Rome ,, at Geneva ^ or in Doctor ' s Commons ^ and the value of religious'liberty . It remains to be seen what will b $ done with the preacher : in the mean time we call upon the pub * lie to watch this interesting case . To this third edition is prefixed -a second preface ; which must powerfully interest the feelings of all those in whom bigotry has not entirely taken place of humanity *
Monthly Repository (1806-1838) and Unitarian Chronicle (1832-1833), Jan. 2, 1808, page 44, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/mruc/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2388/page/44/