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Untitled Article
1 hn 4 t arid had fallen into thfe hai ^ ts of the D iiRe of Grafioft , # bl ^ j tfd | ir ^ g that tfce cat « 6 of rational religion woitld be trenefii-# d by a mfcfe extensive
circulation of it than was then practicable , applied to Griesbach for permission to print an edition of it in fingl ^ nd . To this the professor replied ^ that he had no objection to its being reprinted—but at the same time informed the
Dyke , that he was about to publish a new edition of it , with , grfeat improvements , aad submitted to him , that to enlarge the number of copies of this edition , would be better than tb repritit the old . The Duke acceded to this « ug * gestion , and , when the first voliime of the second edition was
printed m 1796 , & 90 copies were struck off oh paper transmitted frofca England , , and were sold heirfc , by his Grace ' s direction , at a reduced pirice . Tthe period of twenty yeafcs , Which had intervened between the
puMScatioti of the ififrst edition and the first volume of the second , had been "fruitful in toirks on the subject of tacred xJriticifcin . The feiehdfe had been Cultivated by leaf-fled jrten With fat greater
energy and effect th&n before ; and new materials h £ d been ttiade public ifi the editSdhs of Alter , Matthai , Uttd Birch . Our author hfcd beeii assiduous in obtaining , from every source , all thtft ! xtfuld eflnfcti his collection < if various
r << &ditfgs or pefrfefct hi » te ^ ct . Furthfek- observaridn had enalxle ^ liim to decide on the true * &adinj § oT * tafcfe ft ^) v ptistiagte tvhich 1 he had before left doubtful , life systfem < tf ^ diacritifc * irifeffcs fe ^ HtW ^ wliat simplMled . The very BfM p * 0 leg-4 mm f ^ idh preceded t } ie iim
Untitled Article
edition * te gteatly exp ^ an ( 3 e d , add Contain , beside * a catalogue o ^ itianuscripts , ahd a k ^ y td ifim abbreviations and matrks , a statement dad defence of fcijs metho ^ pP
of settling the reading , Which tiqg » turally includes a history of thft text and an explanation of hit theory of criticism . The n £ i * edition is indeed so superi <| £ td the old as entirely to supefs&te the use of it , except as a matter of curiosity .
It was not until the year 180 T * when the possessors of the first volume almost despaired of th& completion of ^ the work that tkt second voluitie reached Ehglantl , The delay was occasioned by a combination of unfavourable
circumstances , which need not ht enumerated , as an account of them ma ^ % e found in the rie vfeW d eji art ^ ment of thb work for March last , ( M * Repos . vol . ii . p , 151 . ) Art * Nov . Tetf . Greece . Griesbachy * j . fi * ed . 2 . We believe that he hv& befea
succeeded in the professorship of theology by PaUlus , who has since retfioVed . to Wiirfcbtirg ; but we are not infotm ^ ed at what tiriie out atithor ' s resignation took jrface nor whether he still holds c £ n ! y aca *
deihicial office . Though his agq is only six ^ ty-two , his health appear ^ toi < ha : v 6 ^ tffrered gr ^ fly ft-tot various causes , iind we Can hardly expect that he ahoviik labour tnudh ihorte-ih t % e field Vhfch -haft
beeft so much' hhprdvied by hte exertions , and rbik vvhifch bfe has reaped an atn ^ e / harvest off literary reputation . Amonfe the features tif his cfteeurafeter which 'his Writings Mstititoe , there is none so deserving of notice ris the-tfaridotir anti impairtiaU ity with whicfh he fta ^ condlidt ^ d him ^ ell . in * situation whett men
Untitled Article
Smeh ^ ttftitf&f * fail ** ' &rt&tok& . W
Monthly Repository (1806-1838) and Unitarian Chronicle (1832-1833), Jan. 2, 1808, page 7, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/mruc/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2388/page/7/