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, : ' i Tjbeseprinciples shall be daily before ttjy eyes ; . they sjiall be fixed somewhere * in irhy' clos e t ; ail d ea ch morn ing and £ vdning Will I read and observe them . ;* x Ne ? ver : will 1 rise without thanks % nd . praise . to God , nor without the thought , that this perhaps may be my last day .
7 f , i will never begin any worlr , either in the forenoon or afternoon , without being fir : t at least five minutes in a private place on my knees , to entreat the Almighty for his blessing and divine Assistance . 3 . Nothing ; will I undertake or do , which I should not do , were Jesus Christ
visible before me . Nothing , which perhaps I might repent of in the uncertain hour of my certain death . I will accustom myself , through ttie divine assistance , to do every thing in the name and as the discip ' e of my Lord Jesus Christ . Every hour will I sigh to God for his Holy Spirit , and ever be prepared
to pray . 4 . 1 will every day read some chapter in the bible , particularly in the New Testament , and every day impress lipon my memory some verse of what I read , and frequently repeat the same to myself . 5 . jfeach day shall be marked with at least one charitable action .
6 . Every day will I take particular care to be serviceable to my family . 7 * NewRwill 1 eat or drink so much as to findirom it any inconvenience , or
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* sin , Having cleared the ground from many incumbrances , vvjiich might have been in our way , I come to the consideration of the
proofe which you have brought in support of your , opinion . The t ' hief of which , in your appi ^ Jiension , seems to be this , that ki Jesus Christ professed himself to be theI'Spn of God , in the proper and liter&l sense of those ' terms , and therefore God—equal with God ^—
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hindei ' ance in my daily employment ; and after dinner I will abstain , as much as possible , from any kind of food or Hqtior unltfss it be a very little in the evening . 8 . Whithersoever I am going , I \? iH first sigh to God , that I may do no sin there , but leave something behind me
for the benefit of the persons I visit , The same rule will I observe before every dinner , wherever I may receive it . 9 . Never will I go to . sleep without first praying to God . 10 . As long as I am in health , 1 will never sleep more than eight hours at the
utmost . xi . In my prayers for my fellow-creatures ( which 1 hope never to omit ) I will particularly mention my parents , my wife , my children , my brother and sisters , my domestics , and my female friends , Z . U . P . H . T . S . B . T . R . W .
Z . I will strictly examine myself every evening , whether I have trul y observed and kept all the forementioned articles , and sincerely note down in my daily observator the number I may perhaps have neglected , and at the same time , 1 . what I have read ; 2 . what I have done ; 3 . wherein i have sinned , and 4 . wherein I have improved .
Lord , my God ! thou seest what I have here written , O that I may every morning read it with sincerity , and every evening with joyfulness and the loud ap « probation of my conscience !
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and one with God . " I shall devote this letter to the inquiry into the meaning of this term , Son of God , and examine , with what reason you car * assert him , who calM hilnoclf onjjuhe Son of God , to be equaj with God .
It wdiild be perfectly supernu" ous to observe to a person so well versed in ancient literature , that the term Spn is very commonly medby the eastern nations to denote , not only the natural re
* Perhaps , principles of daily conduct , may better expresa the ideas of the origin
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Jk § 2 On the Testimony of the Jews to the Person of Christ .
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Monthly Repository (1806-1838) and Unitarian Chronicle (1832-1833), April 2, 1808, page 182, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/mruc/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2391/page/10/