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tion of one person to anotiVer from generation ; but , by a figure peculiar to themselves , every effect , whose origin may be conceiv f eci to exist in any thing real or
personified . Thus , in speaking of natjons , it is coainion to denote them by the appellation of the suns of him , who is conceived to be their first progenitor . The Israelites are called Sons of Israel ; descendants of Judah , Sons of Judah : or , if they refer to the place , in which the nations live , they call them sons of such a place , thus , Sons of the East . Relations in civil life arc denoted in the same manner , by the term Son : thus , Strangers , or citizens , are called sons of the stranger , or of my people ; and to denote the office of any men , it is usual to say sons of singers or priests .
These expressions may appear strange to an European ear , £ s would many of ours , doubtless , when translated into an eastern language . But it is from hotsuf * ficientl y attending to common phrases , that terms unusual to us occasion so much difficulty . If
our translators had given us literally the phrases , denoting age , in the Old Testament , it is not improbable that the generality of readers would have comprehended " with ease the phraseology of the New Testament . The bibles in use at present , do not inform the reader , that wherever the age of a person or aninial is mentioned , the original says , son of a month * of a year * of two , three , twenty , thirty , or one hundred years . This phrase cannot be unknown to you , as , it occurs many hundred times in the bible . Qualities are described in the sarge manner j thus , a valiant , &f-
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ftictodV rebellions , foolish , wicke *^ proud , peaceful , dglica-te map * is caliHJ " a son of valour , or affliction , of rebellion , of folly , of Belial , c > f ., p ri d e of peace \ \ of ' deli - cacv . ' ' ¦ . ¦ ¦ ; < ,-A robber , is called the json of q .
robber ; a spark , the soaof a kuri } - ing coal ; the restored frprn captivity , are the sons of the capt ^ vjty ; an arrow , Js the son of the quiver ;; and what sprung up ina night , is called the son of the night . These expressions are so frrquen ^ fe in the Old that we are not surprised at finding them frequently in the
New Testament : and in many places they are rendered literally by our translators . Thtfswe find the terms , son of perdu ion ^ of consolation , and of thunder ^ cjiilctreji of the kingdom , of theBricie- cli a ^ r be r , of h ell , of th is world ^ of J lgti f of the resurrection , of the" SevttVd'f the day . If t |> e use of this term Spn , referring at all times to a realor
supposed origin , occasions fio difficulty to a ' - reader elsewhere ; whence comes it to pass , that the * •*'¦•" ' ¦ ¦ ¦*¦ « r >; ¦ t term , Son of God , should be an exception to the general ' rule , ' ajicl i mply a mode of existence with pit t
any beginning at all . Js it because this term is solely appropriated to Chrjst , and he is supposed to have existed from all eternity ? But this is not the fact . The term is used . bot ^ iji the QM an 4 New Testament : and men and angels are repeatedly called the Sons of God . A 4 am is called the Son of Sod ; and oui * Saviour instructs
us , that the good shall be the children of his heavenly Fattier ; and the Apostle tells jus , that as many as are led by the Spirit of God , are the Son * ot ' God ; and that , having received . the spirit of
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On the Testimony of the Jervstd tie Person of Christ . li 53
Monthly Repository (1806-1838) and Unitarian Chronicle (1832-1833), April 2, 1808, page 183, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/mruc/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2391/page/11/