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sir M ^ n , whp are really impartial , in the publication of opinions , are generally happy when an occasion 13 given to them , of praying that impartiality to thdir rea-
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of our ancestors j and also where the line of separation should be drawn between youths who are aiming at the possession of the honours , pleasures , and riches of this world , and those whose professed object it is . to attain in their own
persons , and to lead others to lbs attainment of that pure disinter * ested benevolence , complete sub * dual of the selfish principle , and entire devotedness of the heart
to God , which is supposed to constitute the very essence of thp Christian character . An immediate insertio n of this request will extremely oblige Your Constant Reader , MA 0 HTHS .
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J £ 4 . Moral Habits of Students for tfafttinistry *
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adoption , we are the Sons of jGod , and joint heirs with Christ . Frdm t&is view of the subject , I am led to draw a very different conclusion frpm yours ; namely , that the term Son of God , when applied to Christ , or to another person , denotes in itself a relation , the same as effect to its cause ; and consequently cannot prove Christ to be either God , or equal to God . A § on of God , or the
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MORAL HABITS OF STUDENTS l'OH THE MINISTRY . To the Editor of the Monthly Repository . v .
{ SIR , C—— -n , March ij , 1808 . I request ttye favour of some of your respectable correspondents , through the medium of yoiir liberal publication ^ tp delineate accurately , riot what should be the
j 5 tudies for that point is sufficiently ascertained already , but what opght to be the mode of conduct pursued , and the moral habits cultivated by young n ^ eri , during the period of their
education for the Christian ministry , among liberal Protestant Dissenters . Being myself a student in divinity , I am anxious to see a correct statement how far we may safely relax from the rigid discipline and puritanical observances
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ders j and as you are deemetj to be favourable to Uni ft ^ rianism , and ye £ profess a most perfect iniparti a lity , I send you an argument in opposition to the pretensions ofc tlwa Unitarians , that you may b ?
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Son of God , is either a person deriving his existence froijci God , as Adam , or a person chosen by God for certain purposes ^ and from a holy life , worthy to be denominated by such an appellation . Thus Christ is the Son of God , and all true Christians are the Sons of God I am k
Monthly Repository (1806-1838) and Unitarian Chronicle (1832-1833), April 2, 1808, page 184, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/mruc/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2391/page/12/