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DECISIONS Q-F COMMON SEtfSE , OJ * THE DOCTRINE OF ORIGIN AX SIN To the Editor of the Monthly Repository .
sir ,, ' Feb . 18 . 1508 . In examining ; retigiou $ subjects , and bringing tb ! em to the test of common sense , my thoughts , have lately been exercised on what is
called the doctrine pjf ori g inal siiv or hereditary depravity , or birtli * sin , or the siu of our nature ; iox f find jt-h ^ f all these different Dames given it : ^ nd the fol lowing are what seem to me- ' the decisions * l common sense on the subicpt .
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Decisions df Common Sense , owthe Doctrine of Original Sin . ipS
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hand , I beg yotlr permission to correct a sniall errdr into which Mr . Flower has fallen , respecting the assistance with which Mr . Robinson favbiired me in the Noncon . Meiii . p . 56 . He says ^ ** his labours were of considerable service
to his friend Mr . Palmer , in pre- * paring a new edition of the Nonconformists ' ' Memorial ; a vrork which , " Mr . F . in a very gratifying manner goes on to recom ^ mend . Now , Sir , Mr . Robinson was dead before the second edi
tion was in the press , or any preparation made for it . With regard fto the Jirst edition I was obliged to Mr . ft . for several communications respecting tht county and university of Cambridge , of which all due acknowledgment is made in the proper places , and no other assistance
Afaas * afforded by him than will . appear to every reader . —If your plain admits of the insertion of the above articles you will mucli oblige Your obedient , &-PALMER .
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avoid entering into such a con - nexion as would most probably bring a worthy woman into poverty , and cast the burden of a family upon the charity of the
public- I m « % t add , that a man X ) f a liberal education , and a genteel profession , has a right to expect so much fortune with a wife , as with his income , will be sufficient for their comfortable main .
tenancej arid that most ministers who are prudent , might secure such an object , consistently with all that affection which is essential
to conjugal felicity . In connr mation of my idea , and . in vindi cation of my ^ vise friend Mr Orton , I wotrld appeal to the ex ccllent Richard Baxter , tvhose in
ordinate love of money none will suspect . In his Reformed Pastor , where lie is recommending liberality , he has . these words , "— li ministers must marry , they should marry such a £ can maintain themselves and their children , and so
devote as much as ti > ey cari of jhe chiircrhes means to the churches service * . " While I have my pen in my
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I find many Christians suppose that ail mankind are born morally depraved and corrupted , naturally averse to all good and prone tq all evil ; full of the seeds of sin , of tho 3 e evil principles ,, or disposi ~
tions from which actual sins , whicb seem to ^ be the only sins tbjpy C ^ n justly be charged with ?^ 9 riatuw'U y flow , as corrupt stre » ps froip a Icorrupt fountaiii . IJF this fee the real stjate in which wen are
* Abridgment , second edition , now in the press , p . i $ 8 .
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Monthly Repository (1806-1838) and Unitarian Chronicle (1832-1833), April 2, 1808, page 193, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/mruc/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2391/page/21/