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vfrhen it is announced as existing in the divine purpose * Among many illustrations-of tbis peculiarity , Is . xliv . 28 , is not the least pertinent .. ¦ %¥$
The main object of tfce sermon preached on Easter-day , 1771 , is to prove t ^ at , in the fifteenth chapter of the first epistle to the Corinthians , Paul teaches the
doctrine not of the resurrection of the [ same ] body , but the resurrection of a pew and glorified body ; and consequently , that the last article except one in the creed attributed to the apostles cannot be scriptural . According'Jto Mr . E ., Paul
was acquainted with the book ' of the Revelation ; an opinion which , im our judgment , is unsupported by any good evidence , whether external or presumptive . We are ignorant on what authority this writer imagines that in the words
* ' the trumpet shall sound / ' the apostle refers to the trumpet of the seventh angel . Is ft not far more provable that the figurp is borrowed , in both instances , from the prophetic books of the Jewish Scriptures ? ( Zepb , i . 16 , Zech .
ax . 14 , &o . ) Prefixed to this sermon ^ 19 a dedicatory epistle , containing a narrative pf the unsuccessful prosecution of the author , It is not destitute of interest : but w& ac *
knowledge higher obligations to the editor , for preserving the curi - ^ ous letter of £ ) ean ~ ( afterwards Bishop ) Patrick \ q Dr . Mapletoft , inserted in pp . 328 , -3 £ 0 . As specimens of Mr . E * s nranner . we shall make two short extracts : —one from his sermon
on the dvluge ;—the other from that on tcii ) p £ ratice : — € < IVIose © teaches us thitf the fet raijp
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wnich fell upon the ear A , was- thafc W * versal and incessant " shower by / whioMr the deluge was occasioned . . jTh ^ raiabow , therefore , could never h ^ k Appear ed till after the flood ; aii 4 pc >^|^ vis ible token could have been * o ^ ffififcularly calculated to remove their efe ^ rs ^ ( those of Noah and his family ,: iesJt } tl ^ e 4 e * luge should he repeated , ) , and ^ y _ e . them entire confidence in the gracious promise *
of God , as the appearance of me rainh . owt For , in order to produce it 4 it is necessary that the sun should shine bright in one place , while a shower falls , at i $ ready to fall , in another ; aiid therefore
the sight o £ a rainbow , in its very nature , is a convincing proof that the rail which falls is only partial , and very || r from being universal , as in the time of the deluge . " ( Vol . I . pp . 33 , 34 )
tc If we | ove this life , and wish to see good days oh earth , a wise and skHful physician would |> rescribe'to us the very same plan of moral conduct which is commanded us for nobler purposes , by our great Lord and Master .
Christianity hath all the desirable promises of the life that now is , as well as of that which is to come . The . Jvejry > nko 4 eration of our desires , and abstaining from all excess , tends infallibly tq heighten even our sensual pleasures , " S $ c . ( Vol . I . p . 317 , &c . )
We regret that we cannot speak in favourable terms of the degree of care bestowed qn these volumes in their passage through the press . The ptinc 111 ati 611 , i n particular , is extreimely incorrecf ; . It fe seldoip that we have equaFtause of cornplaint , on this htaclV against Editors tor Printers .
On the whole , differing ( and wa see reason to differ ) , from Mr . E _ in some of his opinions , we are highly pleased , nevertheless * with the monument raised to his
meli&ry in the p ^ ' ^ f ^ ^ P difeourses , whi { # * $ fe especmlly recommend to £ 8 ^ ttse of those fan ^ i lies who worsli i ^? - ; rfl he did , <* * nt God . even ihtFaiteiS' .
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208 fteviezv . —tk > an&on * s Sermons *
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Monthly Repository (1806-1838) and Unitarian Chronicle (1832-1833), April 2, 1808, page 208, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/mruc/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2391/page/36/