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Art . 11 . , AwwiTJmological Dictmnkry 9 intended io exhibit * a ctewt and satisfactory * View of evetyreligious Term ? and Denomination ^ ^ hicf ^ ^ of ^ pre ^ ailedin the World s from the Birth of Christ to the prestw&db y . Portraits , Svo . ISs . ' / ^ ¦ - ¦
- wmM 'This wcJrk , which is of a considerable '< && ? % is a . strange medley of history and biography , of chro - nology and mythology and seems
to iiave / or its object , the promotion of rigid orthodoxy . The plan , as the editor states , is certainly original ; for it brings together articles which * no other mortal
ever thought of bringing together , so discordant are they in their complexion and tendency . Some accounts of the sects are so very brief , that little or nothing can be learnt from the perusal of them ; whilst others are so tedious , that
the readeiy frqm the length of ground he has i 6 fravel over , isr at a loss to form any just idea of the subject . Indeed , one article distinguished for' its copiousness , relates to an obscure preacher among the Sandemanians , of the name of Allen ; and his religious
character is wound up with a ludicrous story respecting a barber , a grocer , and a taylor ! Ttiis story , it seems , he used to relate with Cf an mtmzing deal of humour , '* and we have po objection to the ebullitions of innocent
conviviality and cheerfulness ? But if such a tale „ had been told , ^ aiid with ^ an amazing deal ^ of humour , '' by an Arian or Socinian preacher , * i ^ are much mistaken if it ^ vvoulc ^ jMrtr h ave been deemed , either an aciof egregious triflings or a lamentable want of
Christian gravityj ! -. f - ; ; In worfcs of this description * , where the opinions of the . several deauinimuions axe detailed , we
Untitled Article
expect , that the grounds v updn which they are hejd | j | ould bd staled in every ins ^ ance , ^ or ^ in no iustanpe at , all . Now , under the term Trinity 7 tfie passages of Scripture usually adduced in
behalf of the divinity of the Soa and Spirit are arranged under their appropriate heads , thus making a specious- appeargnice ^ and producing a strong irepression on the mind of tfce
onlearned . If this * be feir > then the Arian , the Socinian , and ' the Swedenborgian , with his ikeifc fangled Trin ity ^ ought to have the texts of Script are wMth they
allege in support of their system * brought forward , and thos held up to the eye ^ that these passages a : lso may ^ produce their greatest effect . We contend fd £
distributive justice . To do unto others what we wish they should do unto us , is-an evangelical maxim which eveiy sect should be careful to practise . Such a conduct- would cut off a host of animosities and
bickerings , conducing , in an eminent degree , to the peace aiftl happiness of the religious world . We could trace , ip the account of the denominations given in this volume , many passages taken from Mr * Evans ' s Sketch of the
Denominations , without the least ac , knowledgroent . The frontispiece also is stolen from that jwofk having the same heads , only taken out of their chronological ordeii
and jumbled together to prevent a prosecution . r lMs is a singular specimen of evangelical honesty
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< 209 )
Monthly Repository (1806-1838) and Unitarian Chronicle (1832-1833), April 2, 1808, page 209, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/mruc/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2391/page/37/