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. • • .. -4 * i . : . . cles impugii the s ' ctiptures , the fault is . in therti , and i ' n the fabricators < rf those articles : he is j ^ t in fault &x impugning any -arfUle which ijnpugiis the scriptures j for the ¦ dhurch- has ordered ^ hinl * to imdoth
pv ^ ri every article which tiot contain scriptural doctrine . This truth he canfirms by an appeal to tjhe questions of his ordaining bishop , and his answers at his ordination . He considers himself ,
as an Unitarian Christian , to be as true a minister of the Church of England by law established , as any Unitarian Christian can be ; and be exhorts his Unitarian .
brethren in the < 3 hurcji of England ministry ta lay aside their fears ; &hd , guided "by * he spirit and letter of the sixth article , he calls on them to inculcate , on the minds of their respective congregations ,
the knowledge and worship of the one true and living God as a doctrifie concluded and proved by the scripture , and contra-distinguishod from the fanciful hypQthesis of- axj incomprehensible , tri-une
deity . Mr . Sfone now gives an interesting account of the clerical petition , in which he took a very afctivejjjipxt , and he proceeds to a positibft ; which is a great step beyond dll ] that he has advanced :
for he does not scruple to assert , that , 'if any person will give him preferment , subscription to the thirty-nipe articles will not prove an obstacle to bis thankful acceptance of it , This is bringing thle matter home : and he justifies his
resolution to accept farther prfe-^ ferment on the same grounds that lie 4 oes that of preaching doctrines contrary to the articles . 0 n the former pbittt we cannot $ jw ? ak - positively ; lipt having ifl
Untitled Article
our recollection the made , of this subscription : but . we . wgt call upon those gentiemeqtfHHB ^' rs . ' of whom are in the houiiiill ^ Xords
and Commons , who suD $ j £ ribed to the thirty-nine articles on taking their masters * dqgrees at Cam * bridge , Dublin , and Oxford , to say , whether they subscribed them more conscientiously than Mr . Stone would do , if he were to re *«
ceive some good preferment . The disciples of Dr . Paley can say nothing against Ml Stone ' s resolution : and we have ho doubt , that Mr . Stohe believes just as much of the articles as Dr . Paley did . The fact is , that there is not a clergyman in the kingdom who
believes the arti £ le $ , either in the sense of the fabricators of t ^ jp ^ i , or ii > the sense whicli a ? J ^ M |^^^^ rgyman gives them , ' - ^ MHg ^ iU be to draw up a set ' OlP ^ q ^ stions , to be givenv to any i \ v 6 clergymen , on whom the experiment should be tried : and let their answers be
placed in the hartds of an Evangelical Preacher , a disciple of Paley , atid the two archbishops . If they all concurred iii the approbation of these answers , ho *! doubt coul 4 be entertained of six persons 3 gree * ing ia opinion : but we suspect , Jthat such an agreement W figyer to be found ; and if it could be
found , it would not be in the ^ ensq of the articles . Who then is to decide , in this very difficult quest ^^ £ One thing assuredly it might ( I ^^ P all church jjftte d that is , to Wffiffide all articTORnd to mnU the scriptures th ^ l ^ le of their faith . The agreein ^ nt * or disagree- * rnent of an Opinion , with them , might be triecj by a jyry of cler * gymen , ipttcli better than l > y the judge of a btimitic ^ i court . Tfce r efprifli proposed by Hh
Untitled Article
¦ ' J 212 Review . —Stones TInitarian Christian Minister * & * ? lea .
Monthly Repository (1806-1838) and Unitarian Chronicle (1832-1833), April 2, 1808, page 212, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/mruc/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2391/page/40/