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pel into Britain . This paper the editor of the Evangelical hla . gaz . ine has copied , with a little abbreviation and a few vert > al alterations , into No . 191 of that xvork , for March of the present year . The extract extend from the beginning
of the paragraph in- the middle of page 526 of the Repository , to the conclusion of the paper , p . 231 ; comprizing no less th'&n Jive of our pages ! It is indeed modestly inserted , within inverted commas , and i ^ introduced with the honest
confession that it is taken ** from some recent publication . " No mention is made , no hint is given of the Monthly Repository ; and little would any reader expect that it , and it alone , is meant by the well-contrived expression , * ' some recent Publications !" It is natural enough that the editor of the Evangelical JUTag ^ zine should wish to conceal from his readers the existence of
a work devoted to free inquiry ; but it is surely not politic , this being the case , to make use of it . The majority' oi his readers will not go , it is true beyond the bounds of the liv&nvelic ^ l Alaor ^ xi-n e for their theology ; but some one of them migbr po .-sibly wish to see with his own eyes those " recent publications , ** which had been approved by so high an authority ; and if only one should in spite of the editor ' s ambiguous and delusive reference discover the true source of the
borrowed information , the consequence might not be fluttering to the Evangelical Character . A wilful ambiguity in literary matters is near akin to a fraud ; and an honest mind revolts fiom every kind of trick and deceit . The unfairness of the editor of the
Evangelical Mgczine ? in this matter , is the more glaring , a * at the conclusion of the artic . e taken from us , under such false colours , he refers " the reader' for " some additional circumstances and observations on this interesting subject" to ' tHe Literary Panorama for July last . " Here then one periodical work is named and recommended merely because it contains some additions to the
information thus copied by the editor ; whilst another periodical publication is largely used on tc an interesting subject * ' without beirtg refesred to , or , which is worse , referred to in piich terms calculated and designed to mi lead the inquisitive One receives commendation from the
editor , unnecessarily , because , it is a tool in the hands of a certain cla- s of believers ; the other is denied substantial justice , because it is an instrument
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fairly employed by rational inquirer ^ . How great must be the dread of free and impartial discussion when such arts are employed to keep men away from the scene of it ! Is ignorance the mother of Calvinistic faith as well as of Popish devotion ?
In another particular the Evangelical jR / Laga -zine has learned something from the Monthly Repository , though we mean not to complain of any want of acknowledgment with regard to it . Our readers will remember that a correspondent from Liverpool favoured us with a letter ( vol : II . p . 248 )
containing a supposed extract from the Murscilles Gaxette concerning the discovery at Gi '> s , in Asia Minor , of the original copy of the Apocalypse , in the hand-writing of Cerintbus ^ taken we believe from an Amtrican publication . The substance of this letter was soon after ^ . wtn in the Evangelical J \/ j agamine , with a classical
exclamation , of incredulity , ( which we shall notice pre eritly ) arxl an outcry against modem infidels ; as if it were impossible cor a Christian to doubt the authenticity of the book of the J \ cveLtiony a book concerning which Luther says , " I put it in almost the same rank with the fourth Look of Esdras , and cannot any way find that it was dictated by the
Holy Ghost . ' * ( March ' s Michaelis , vol . IV . p . 458 . ) On this subject the editor of that work adds , in tr , e number for Marchy of the present year , under the pompous head oi" 4 * lorgery detected , ' " We now learn from the J ^ anoplist , an American publication of re pectabijity , that Dr . Watcrhouse , of Aczv York , who . is a member of the
JMarscillis Academy oi Sciences , suspecting the inipo ition , wrote to his correspondent , Dr . Louis Valentine , a learned phy .-ician at Marseilles , were the above account wiis said to have been published , who examined , with the assistance of other gentlemen , all the Gazettes published in that city from . Au ^ . 1806 to March 28 , 1807 ( the date of bis letter ); but no such paper was to be found . "For this information we thank the editor
of the Evangelical Magazine ; < and , though we know nothing of the authority of the P&noplht % we are disposed to believe from the nature of the thing , that its statement is correct . The classical exclamation before
referred to was unhappily misquoted or nusprinicd , Credat Judaus jfifellei— ApdUs for ApclP . 1 his blunder was seized upon by the Barrister , who lately wotfi
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222 Intelligence—Evangelical Magazine .
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Monthly Repository (1806-1838) and Unitarian Chronicle (1832-1833), April 2, 1808, page 222, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/mruc/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2391/page/50/