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A Complete List Of New Publications On Morals And Theology In Abkil, 1808.
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Sermons preached on the Fast Day , February 17 , 18 . 08 .
" A Sermon preached before the L , ords Spiritual and Temporal , in the Abbey Church of Westminster . By the Right Rev . Lord Bishop of Exeter , is . A Sermon ori the General Fast . By John Still , L . JL . B . Rector of Fonthill GifTbid , Wilts , is . The Devout Observation of National
Calamities enforced : a Sermon preached at the Independent Chapel , Blackburn . By J . Fletcher , A . M . 8 vo . is . The Doctrine of God ' s Moral Government of Nations Vindicated : A Sermon preached at Trinity Chapel , Conduitstreet . By J . E . Jackson , is .
A Sermon preached at the Parish Churches o £ Stanwell and Bedfont . By W . A . Phelp , A . M . is . A Sermon preached at the Spring-Garden Chapel , By E . Cartwright , D . D . is .
The Importance of Perspnal Religion in Times of National Calamity ' : A Sermon preached at Orange-street Chapel , Leicester-fields , and the Union Chapel , Islington . By I . Cobbin . is .
The Church of England Incompletely Reformed : A Sermon . By George Somers Ciarke , D . D . Vicar of Great Wdhham , in Essex . $ vo . is . 6 d . National Judgments the Conequence of NatioiiaL Sins -. Exemplified in a Sermon preached February ax , 1808 , ( being the Sunday following the General Fast
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Day ) before the Society of Unitarian Protestan t Dissenters assembling oii the High Pavement , Nottingham . By John Grundy . Svo ( Printed , but not published . ) A Sermon preached in the Church of the United Parishes of St . Mary Woolnoth , and St . Mary Woolchurch Haw , Lombard-street , February 17 , 1808 . By Thomas Etherington , A . M .
A Sermon preached on February 17 , 1808 , to a Congregation of Protestant Dissenters in the County of Durham . 8 vo .
MISCELLANEOUS SERMONS . Sermons on Various Subjects . By-Will iam Aguiter , A . M . Chaplain of the Asylum . 8 vo . 9 s . Sermons , Controversial and Practical ,
with Reflections and Tracts on Fnteresting Subjects . ( Heretofore published in Ireland only . ) By the late Philip Skelton , Rector of Fintora . Republiehgd by Samuel Claphatn , M . A . 8 vo . 9 s . Six Sermons on the Church
Catechism ^ originally delivered in thtf Parish Church of High Wycombe , Bucks , 1797—1801 , at the Bifsby Lecture , by W . B . Williams , M . A . 8 vo . 3 s . 6 d . The Privilege ^ uid Hope of the -agad Christian : A bermon on the Death of Mr . J . Bailey , Hackney . Preached at Ram ' s Chape ! * Homerttfn . By the same . " 8 vd ; t * . 6 d .
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New Publications . „ £ 2 $
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30 I . per annum . When the finances of the society will admit , a number of boys , sons of ministers and others * , to * be relieved , on terms still farther reduced . — This last is a pleasing feature of the plan , for charity is always pleasing ; but we doubt the expediency of mixing * the sons
of poor , and of rich parents indiscriminately , unless the scholars were to have an uniform dress , and to be confined all the y ear , and strictly to the school . Indeed , without some regulations as to closeness of attendance at school , a Grammar school near London , will be of no more use than a common school , where the
master best promotes his interests , not by improving ; children , but by humouring their parents . —The school is to be supported by subscriptions . We know
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that the zeal , aij <| liberality and wealth , of " the piarty tjiat have founcfed it , are great ; but we think it questionable , whether such as pay 'liberally for the education of their own children ., will be dispbsed to pay also for the education of
poor children with them . Others may think that the school ought to support itself , we should have thought , that a subscription-school for educating grails the children of Dissenting Ministers , whose incomes arc under 150 I - a
year , would have been more likely to succeed , and certainly a greater charity . But while we abominate the narrowprinciple of tke school actually determined on , we applaud the charity part of the plan , and wish thb Institution may make good scholars . G *
Monthly Repository (1806-1838) and Unitarian Chronicle (1832-1833), April 2, 1808, page 225, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/mruc/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2391/page/53/