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Untitled Article
$ & 6 Ifew Tuhlicaiions .
Untitled Article
Sermons oft a Future State and Mutual Recognition of each other , and on other Subjects . By R- Shepherd , Avchdeacon of Bedford . 8 vo . 6 s . The Glory of Xion * .. A Sermon preached beiore the Baptist We tern 4 \ & > ociation at P . orsJey , in Gloucestershire . By Isaac Taylor . is . 'The Character and Hope of a Christian : t \ fcJern-ion . By the Lite T . Adam , Kector oi Vv ' intringhani , Lincolnshire .
6 d . The Iniquity of Witch' raft centred and exposed : In two Sermons . By T . Hawkins , of Warley . 6 d . Un theiAlucaiion of the lower Orders
© f Society * A Serin on preached at bt . iVndrew ' s Church , Edinburgh . July 15 , 1806 , before the Society of the Orphan Hospital > y Daviu . Dickon . <> vo . is . od C ' jNiROVERSY on BAST INDIA MISSIONS %
An Essay to show that no Intention lias existed , or doc » now exist , of doing " violence to the Religious irejudices of India , xs . 6 d . An Apology for the late Christian Missions to India ; comprizing , an Ad dres ^ to the Chaiiman oi the . East India Company , in Answer ta Mr . Twining ;
artid Strictures on the Preface of a Pamphlet by Major Scott Waring- ; Part * by Andrew Fuller , is . 6 d . An Apolo < y , Slc . Part u . Remarks « n Major Scott Waring ' s Letter to the Rev . Mr , Owcu ; -and on a . Vindication of the Character oi the Hindoos . By a Bengal Officer , as . fcd * An Apology , &c . Part 111 . Strictures bn Major t > cott War ing ' s thiri Pamphlet , &c . &c . as . 6 d .
Christianity in India : An Essay on the X > uty , Means , arid Consequences , of Introducing the Christian ivcligioi * . ans > oii £ the Native > nhanitant ; 5 oi t ^ e British Dominions in the Ivast . * b / J . W . Cunningham , M . A . j 5 « , 6 d . Considerations on the Practicability ,
Policy , and Obligation or coinmuiaeating * to the t \ a lives of India , the knowledge oi Lhri :-:. tiumty , with t 4 Ob ervations on tbc * Prefatory Remarks" to a JPajtr . phict t ; y Major bco . t Waring . By it late rcr . ident 111 Bengal . An Jissiiy 011-the Duty , Means , and Consequences ,, oi introducing the Christian Kclx-ion among the . Native Inhabi-
Untitled Article
tants of the . British Dominions in the Hart By J . W . Cunningham , late Fellow-of St . John ' s College , Cambridge . 5 s . 6 d . Dissertation on the rropagation of Christianity in Asia . By the Rev . Hugh Pearson , /¦* . M . Vindication of the . Hindoos from the Aspersions of the Rev . Claudius Buchanan , v / ith a Refutation of h ' s arguments on the expediency oi an Kcclesiastical Establishment for British India , and also Remarks on an Address from the Missionaries of Bengal to the Natives of India . By a Bengal Officer . 4 s . Review of a *•¦ Vindication of the
Hindoos , by a Bengai Officer , with an Appendix , containing a Review of Remarks on the Christian Observer , subjoined to " A Reply to a letter addressed to I . S . Waring-, kc . By Major Scott Waring . ' Extracted from the Christian Observer . Fcb , 1808 . is . A Reply to the Letter addressed to J . S . Waring , Esq . by an anonymous writer , to the Statements of the Baptist
Missionary Society , and to the Christian Observer , the Evangelical _ Magazine , and the Letter of the Rev . J ohn Owen , A . M . By Major Scott Waring . 5 s . GENERAL THEOLOGY , &c . An Examination of Mr . ( now Dr . ) Marsh ' s Hypothesis respecting the Origin of our three first Canonical Gospels , including an Attempt to explain the Phenomena obervubie in these Gospels , by a new Hypothesii . By IX Veysie , B . D . 4 s . The Economy of the , Christ ' an Life , or Maxims und Rules of Kclicious and
Moral Conduct , arranged from the Scripture ^ and itda p tt u 10 Christians of every Denomination . By W . Bmgley , H . M . F . L . S . 7 . vois 12 mo . 8 s . ISacred Truths , addressed to the Children of Israel residing" iu the British Empire ; containing Strictures on the Book entitledtk Tiie New Sar . hedrim , ' *
and Observations on i c onic ot the Proceedings of the Grand Sanhedrim convened in Paris , by order of the French Government . By L . Cohen , xzmo . 2 s 6 d . A General and Connected View of the Prophecies relative to the Conversion , Union , and Future Glory , of the Houses of Judah and Israel ; the Progress and
•* We have been at great pains to collect a perfect Catalogue of the numerous pamp hiCtb on ihis &ubject ; ana , we believe , all rhat have been published arc registered in this and former nuJaxbeAb of the IMonthly Repository ^ .
Monthly Repository (1806-1838) and Unitarian Chronicle (1832-1833), April 2, 1808, page 226, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/mruc/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2391/page/54/