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Final Overthrow of the Anti-Christian Confederacy in the Land of Palestine ; and the Ultimate General Diffusion of Christianity .. By G . S . Faber , B D . of Stockton upon Tees . 2 vols . Svo . 16 s . Hig h Church Claims Exposed , and the Protestant Dits-: enters and Mvthodists Vindicated : or , Free Remarks on a Pamphlet entitled Strictures on Subjects relating to the Established Religion ; in a Letter to the Author . B y a Layman . Rvn . -2 R . 6 d .
A Statement of the Numbers , the Duties , and the Livings , of the Clergy of Scotland , 1807 . By the Rev W . Singers , is , A Word to the Benevolent ; being an Humble Attetnpt to prpve the Practicability of Relieving Effectually the Deservinsr Poor . 6 d .
Memoirs of the late Rev . John Newton ; witfi general Remarks on his Life , Connexions , and Character . By Richard Cecil , A . M . nmo . 4 s . Essays on the Nature , Order , Privileges , and Jjurie- , of the Christian Church . By C . Dewhurst . 8 vo . 5 s .
A Discourse on the Nature , Design , and Institution of the Holy Eucharist , commonly called the Sacrament of the Lord ' s Supper . By Adam Clarke , A . M . as . 6 d . Observations on Exhortation inMhe Churches of Christ , addressed to the Church in North College-street , Edinburgh . 6 d .
An appeal to the Legislature and the Public , in Answer to the Hints of a Barrister on the Nature and Effects oi Evangelical Preaching . By an EvangeJical Preacher .
EDUCATION . Geography ; or a Description of the several Parts of the World apd the ^ r Productions , &c . &c . By John Bran * by , I 2 mo . 3 s . 6 d . A Defence of Sabbath Evening Schools . By A . Leslie , izmo . nd .
Olivia ' s Letter of Advice to her Daughter . By Mrs . Wilmot Series , Landscape Painter . 121110 . 3 s . Popular Moral Talcs , selected by J ohn Adams , A . M . 2 s . 6 d . Original Poems , intended for the use of Young Per-ons . On a Plan recommended by Dr . Watts . By Mrs . Richardson , Widow , of the lat , e Jos . Richardson , Esq . M . P . Royal iSmo . 3 s .
NOTICES . London Unitarian Book Soci-ET * . —» rhe annual Meeting of this Soci-
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ety was held , agreeably to advertisement , on Wednesday the 20 th inst . at the City of . London Tavern . A report 'was read to the Society by Mr BeUham , of the Progress of the Jmfirtrvbd Version 0 / the Nero Testament . Two out- of the three Editions are completed . The whola will be ready at Midsummer , for delivery to subscribers , to whom however the Secretary will give timely notice to choose their copies . The expense ha 9 been
great , but the Subsrciptions have been liberal * A standing Committee was appointed to superintend the distribution a £ the work , and to receive subscriptions and to make arrangements for any nefcf Editions , which there can be no doubt
¦ will soon be wanted . The thanks of the Society were voted to Mr . Belsham for h i . indefatigable attention to the work , and also to Mr . Joyce , the Secretary , and Mr Eb Johnston , the Treasurer . It was p oposed to request Mr . B&lshucn to sit for his Picture , with a view-to an en * graving , and subscriptions were entered
into for this purpose . About 70 persons sat down to the dinner ; Isaac Soliyiisq . in the Chair . The ministers piesent whom we observed were Mes ^ r * , Bclshani * Sin . pson , ( of Hath ) Heinikin , T . liees * Coates , and Aspland . In the company were several members from the country > and many young persons . The aspect of the meeting- was very pleasing and
encouraging . This was the largest company that ever assembled -on the occa * sion . The following toasts and sentiments , among others , were given from the Chair : —The IJnitarian Societies . —• The American Unitarian Society . —T&C Memory of Dr . Priestley . —The venerable Mr . Lindsey . —The Unitarian Fun <^ —The Memory of Mr . Kenrick .
The Annual Assembly of Generax . Baptists will be held in Worshipstreet , on Tue * .. day ( in Whitsun Week ) June 7 . The Rev R . Wrig h * of Wisbeach , is expected to preach the Sermon ,
—On the next day , Wednesday , June 8 , will be Ji eld the Annual Meeting of the Unitarian IJund . The Sermon wilj be preached by the Rev . James Lyons , late of Hull , in the chapel , Parliament Court . Further Particulars in our next .
The Annual Sermon in favour of the Charity Schools belonging % o the Gkavejl-Pi r Meeting , Haqknev , will be preached on Sunday Morning ^ May 39 th , by the JU . v . J , Lyons . Service to begin at 11 o * Ciock . The amiivercary-of the Mjssio ^ art
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New Publications . — Notices . 22 /
Monthly Repository (1806-1838) and Unitarian Chronicle (1832-1833), April 2, 1808, page 227, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/mruc/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2391/page/55/