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Mr . Bel sham ' s * Vindication of his account of Modern Arians , came tw > late for Insertion in the present number , but will appear in the next ; to which also we arc obliged to postpone J . M . ' s concluding Letter to the Clergyman . Stc * vesus of Leicester , shall have a place in tfte Repository . His paper displays abilities which we hope tc see frequently employed in the cause of truth . The Extracts in favour of Religious Liberty , are not altogether suited to the plan of our work . - We hope to give in our next , in some form an account of the society of Free thinking Christians , which has of late attracted so much notice .
Did our--limits permit we should be proud to acknowledge the numerous communications , from very able correspondents , which we have received within the present month * Our correspondents may depend upon their papers being brought forward as early as is consistent with the necessary arrangements of a Magazine . 1 * he third arid concluding Letter of Ignotus in reply to u a Modest Querist , " wai not received in time for publication this month ; it shall certainly appear in the next number .
The Memoir of the Rev . John Newton has been delayed by the indisposition of the friend who promised t © draw it up . We hope tp give it in a very < # rly number .
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228 Notices . — -Correspondence .
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Societt , Lr 6 ndop , will be held , ' on Wednesdays May nth , and two following days . . » The Rev . Mr : Longmire , Rector of Hargrave , near Kimboiton ; the Rev . Dr . Campbell , of Edinburgh , and the Rev . JRobert Winter , of London , are engaged to preach on the occasion . " We understand that the New Ge-UE-RAfe Baptist-Meeting at Cranbrookv will be opened on Monday , 23 rd . of May , by the Rev . Mr . Evans of London , and the Rev . Mr . 5 , Kingsford , of Canterbury . The -Association will be held there the following day ,
when the Rev . Mr . Marten , of Dovcf , will preach on the occasion . " John Locke . —It gives us great pleasure to inform our readers , that at length a noble monument to the memory of the immortal John Locke , is about to be erected , The place for its erection is said to be Sf . Paul's . A meeting of the admirers of that truly great man , we understand , will be held in a few days for the above purpose . A gentleman , who stands high in the literary and commercial World , will take the chair .
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Printed by C . Staler , Paternoster R £ « *
Monthly Repository (1806-1838) and Unitarian Chronicle (1832-1833), April 2, 1808, page 228, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/mruc/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2391/page/56/