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Lavater ' s Daily Principles * lit
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XAVATEIt * S 1 > AII , Y PRINCIPLES ; COMMUNICATED BY REV . J . BRETLAND . To the Editor of the Monthly Repositoryv ~
» 1 K $ Exete ? Jan . % 7 th 9 18 Q 8 . The following * which I send you for insertion in your valuable miscellany , is ^ a translation oif a small pfeee- ^ rit ten in German by
Mr . Lavater , the late celebrated physiognomist of Zurich , and apparently intended at first for his own private use only . The translation was made for me many years since by a lady * , whom the
author himself presented with the original . I do not ( £ fferit to your acceptance under the idea of its being Calculated to add to the literary fame of Mi * . L . but as a curiosity , ' to be met with perhaps no where else either in this or in any other country-, —as affording a more unequivocal prbof of the
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genuineness and purity of the goodness of his heart than even all that was said , written and done by the people of Zurich at -the time of his deatff and interment ; and as holding up an example worthy of the attention of all , and
particularly of gentlemen of the clerical order , of which he is represented to have bd ^ i so bright an ornament-f- « Sincerely wishing ^ success to yotir strenuous and welUm ^ aftt ex ertions to pro ibote tfce cause of religious "knowledge , virtue , and human happiness , \
remain , Sit , Your * s , &e . J , BA-fiTiLAND ,
* Mrs . Schwartz , who * I believe , was a fcfttive of doire in the country of the Orisons , and aftettwards an inhabitant of thiff citj 9 where I became well JiCqtramtcd with her , for several years . From every thing I know of heard of this lady , I a * n fully convinced o £ her veracity ^ and by consequence of the authenticity of the original of the following piece , which she endeavoured to render in ^ o . English aa correctly as her imperfect knowledge of our language would permit . This hkdf died abroad not long since . f See the ! Monthly Magazine , » . zi ; p- $ 19 .
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the Scrjpturea the sole guide in their religious Opinions and practice . The information , derived - from tlie above-mentioned writers , and from a steady comparison of scripture with scripture ^ is now to he more widely diffused , if men can be found capable of engaging in tht 9 useful and ^ important work ; The end to be obtained is desirable , I have no doujjt , in the opinion of
the Modest Querist . The means seem to Mm hot to /'] fe *^ $ 3 f&t tory ; but if you , % gjve ^ p ^ ce to this in your Repositoryi Xv ^ iH endeavour to prove to hiin , ^ that the society is corriptetefy justified in the use of these riiean ?/ \ Vtilch will * be beneficial to both teactier $ and audience . I reinain , Sir , Your ^ s , A CONSTANT READER .
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VOL . Ill * , , 2 II
Monthly Repository (1806-1838) and Unitarian Chronicle (1832-1833), April 2, 1808, page 181, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/mruc/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2391/page/9/