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he rejects as spurious . Thhs undertaking , various circumstances have prevented ; arid we shall now principally confine ourselves to the consideration of the volume
before us , because one of our correspondents has given us reason to expect , th s at he-wul furnish us with a series afVstrictures ont the Dissonance . _ 3 . mi ¦> t . -v-r m * The aionian consists
Ev ^ N . T . * as would be expected from the title , of those portions only of the commonly received canon which Mr . ET regards as genuine . We accordingly do not find in it , the
gospels of Matthew ? 'Mark , and John , ( which Mr . E . rejected " as spurious fictions of the
second century , unnecessary , and even prejudicial ^ to the cause of true Christianity , " ) nor certain portions of the gospel of Luke ,
nor the Epistles to the Romans , to the Ephesians , to the Colossians , to the Hebrews , of James , of Piter , of John , and of Jude , and , in the Revelations , the epistles to the seven churches of Asia .
The parts ^ f Luke ' s writings which Mr . E . regarded as Spurious , are in the Gospel , ch . L 5 . —ii . 52 . containing the narrative of the birth of John and of Jestis ; ch . hi . 21 - —28 . the baptism and
genealogy of Jesus ; ch . iv . 1—13 respecting the temptation ; ch . viii
26—39 . the cure of the demoniacs ; ch . ix . 29—36 . the transfiguration ; ch . xxiii . 42 , 43 . the request of the malefactor and our Lord ' s promise ; and in the Acts , ch . xix , 11 , 12 . The Evansonian
N . T . contains , therefore , the chief part of the gospel of Luke , nearly the whole of the Acts , ten Epistles of Paul , and the book of Revelation , excepting ch . i . 4 . iii . 22 . 'l ^ hose of our readers who
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view Mr . Evanson ' s principles of criticism in the s ^ xne light with ourselves , must have experienced
some surprise that he left so much . If we had adopted them , we must own that we should have thereby been led to reject many passages in which we now feel little or no
difficulty ; and we h ^ ope it is not uncandid to conjecture , ( though we should be pleased to find ourselves mistaken in so doing , ) that few Evansonians think all to be
genuine , which Mr . Evanson himself received as such . His grand test of completed prophecy , is applicable to a very small part of those books which he admits into his canon ; and whether the other
parts be rejected or received , is left to depend upon the sagacity of the reader in discovering absurdities or contradictions . We our * selves see none in many of those
portions which Mr . E . rejects ^ and for which he rejects whole books ; but if before we had studied the nature of evidence in general , and of that for the genuineness-and authenticity of the N . T . in particular , we had been his disciples , our present apprehension is , that we should have used the pruning knife with a less sparing hand tnan he haa . himself .
After all , we most willingly admit , that the writings of Luke contain ail that is essentially necessary to Christian faith and practice ; and it is clear that he himself thought so . But while
we are thankful for the light which he was enabled to communicate to Theophilus , we cannot bat prefer , as far as respects our Lord '* ministry , the narratives of Mat * . thew and John , as-more important in their practical tendency , and better calculated to give a
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Review . —Ne w * Testament ; on the Plan of Mr . Evanson . SI
Monthly Repository (1806-1838) and Unitarian Chronicle (1832-1833), Jan. 2, 1810, page 31, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/mruc/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2400/page/31/