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Editor really adopted Mr E . ' s opinions exactly as he has stated them , or was principally influenced by personal attachment to
him , it appears to us , that these grounds are inadequate . When we first saw the Work announced , we inferred from the title , and we still think justly , that Mr . E . had
given directions for the preparation of . it ; and we could easily suppose , that the ardour and strength of conviction manifested in the Dissonance , would have prompted to a work which , even more than that on which it is
founded , would have proved the confidence which he felt in the truth of his opinions , and indicated the decision of his belief , that he had succeeded in separating the wheat from the chaff ,, with which
it had been for age s blended , and xvith which it had heen very firmly united by the researches of Jones , Lardner , MichaeJis , Lqss , and others , who , with intentions as honest , and understandings as
vigorous as his own , had risen from a full and patient examination of the evidences , external and internal , with a conviction that the narratives ascribed to Matthew .
Mark , and John , are assuredly genuine , as firm as lie himself felt that they are assuredly spu ~ rious . But when we found that
the work did not originate in Mr . E / s natural attachment to his own system , we could not avoid scrutinizing its object more minutely ; and we still retain the opinion
which we then formed , that no valuable . purpose could be extensively answered by it , and that it will only serve to confirm the Evansonian in his hypothesis , that this volume contains at least all the genuine records of the New
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Covenant—unless indeed it should strengthen the attachment of other Christians to the rest of the historical books , by leading them to perceive how much of that fi
which now binds the gospel to the heart , " they must give up if Mr . Evanson ' s opinions could be proved , That this Testament can be considered as iurn ^ hing any new grounds in the argument , we cannot suppose ; and if not *
it can only be considered as a register of Mr . E / s decisions , which would have been fully as well answered by a 1 able exhibiting all the passages which he regarded as spurious ; and this would have enabled any Lvansonian to cross them off in a common N . T . as
unworthy of attention , and any other critic to mark them , as ob ~ jected to by an honest and excellent believer in Christianity . Many respect the character of Mr . E . and estimate as highly iW
perhaps as the Editor , his great talents , ardent a ^ iduity , and inflexible integrity in the pursuit * of truth and in the promulgation
of what he regarded as such , who are decidedly of opinion , that he wandered widely from the truth on this subject , and who think ; that hib Dissonance has a direct
tendency to annihilate some of the chief supports of ^ Christian faith , and to produce a general scepticism as to the truth of Christianity , by resting the belief ojfit aU most entirely on evidence which is generally found to be too obscure and too much involved in
difficulty to produce of itself a lively and strong cor ^ viction , so important as the ground of a practical faith . But whatever opinion be form - ed as to the value of Mr . Evan -
Untitled Article
34 Review .- — New Testament ; on the Plan of Mr * Evanson .
Monthly Repository (1806-1838) and Unitarian Chronicle (1832-1833), Jan. 2, 1810, page 34, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/mruc/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2400/page/34/