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be misguided , when united with that independence which disdains the shackles of authority , unless the imagination have / been brought
Wider subjection to the under ^ standing , and the judgment disciplined to habits of sound and cautious reasoning .
Art . 11 . The Obligation and Utility of Public Worship z a Discourse delivered at the opening of the Old Jewry Chapel ^ in Jervin Street ) Dec . 10 , 1809 , and published at the Request of the Society . By Abraham ReesyD . D . F . R . S . 8 vo . pp . 27 . Longman and Co .
i From Nehemiah x . 32 T . We will not forsake the house of our God , the preacher to his ustial manner , perspicuous and judicious , sets forth the reasons of adherence to public worship . The adoption of the resolution of the text , he argues , 1 , Expresses a becoming deference to the judgment and practice of wise and good men who have lived before us ; 2 . May be considered as the dictate of a sense of duty ; 3 . or , as dictated by a desire of personal improvement ; 4 . Is the result , with such as are actuated by principles of piety , or by a conviction of the truth and excellence of Christianity , of a regard to the honour
of God , and a solicitude to maintain the credit and promote the influence of religion ; 5 , May proceed from principles of benenevolence .
We are pleased to see in ihe Sermon references to Mrs . Barbauld ' s " admirable pamphlet on the expediency and propriety of public or social worship / ' We should be glad if the demand oc- > casioned by this and similar means for the pamphlets of this elegant
and nervous writer seould occa * sion their collection and re-publication . They would form as acceptable a present to the public as ever issued from the press .
Art . III . A Series of Questions adapted principally to the Historical Scriptures of the Old and New Testament , with References to the Bible . By John Holland . 12 mo * pp .. 64 . Art . IV . A Practical Catechism , referring to the Bible for Answersy to be given from Memory or in Writing . By the same . J 2 mo . pp . 54 . Price 2 s . or ll . per dozen , ( together . ) Longman and Co . 1809 .
Of these catechisms the questions only are given at length ; the answers are referred to in the Bible . The questions are connected , perspicuous , rational and judicious : the answers are
designed to be either committed to memory or written out upon a slate or paper , by the pupil . We approve entirely oi the plan , as being well calculated to make youiiis familiar with the Scriptures .
Untitled Article
36 Review . —Rees ' s Sermon on Public Worship .
Monthly Repository (1806-1838) and Unitarian Chronicle (1832-1833), Jan. 2, 1810, page 36, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/mruc/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2400/page/36/