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LETTER XII . To Mr * Say . 2 \ fetvingtony I * eh . 28 , 1733-4 . Dear Sir , Two days ago I was addrest by Dr \ CalamyV people with enquiries about your character . I said every thing I thought was due to truth and friendship . Perhaps you may hear more of this in
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LETTER XIIT . To 2 lfr * Say * ' ¦ Londen , March 7 , 6 , 1734 * Dear Sir , I have delay ed an answer to your letter , till lean give a better account of every thing .
The deputies of y dissenting congregations in and near London j are wretchedly divided into two parties ; one acknowledging ye subsistence of ye Committee of gentlemen which wore chosen 16 months ago upon ye talk of repealing
ye Test , who mett at Salters Hall , and have almost all the Independents with them . The other part renounce the Committee , disclaiming their power to act or to call y e deputies together , and some Presbyterians and some Baptists join with them .
As far as I can find , y body which ow n * ye Committee axe almost two thirds of y e whole , if not quite , some say more . Yet the others have chosen one Capt . Winter their chairman , and thus they act in separate bodies , mutaily
ruinous . The business of chusing deputies ail over England , recommended hy this lesser body in London , will , I suppose , have very small effect . Their cry ag ye Committee is , yi they are too much influenced be the court : but I
think we are by no means in a case to sett up against y court , even if the majority shou'd incline to it , which is far from ye truth . Your remarks in your
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a little time . May y e God of light and grace be with your spirit and direct all your affairs . My salutations attend your spouse and daughter . Yours affectionately , I . WATTS . We are entirely removed to Newington , and 1 seldom spend a whole day in London .
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own letter are perfectly just . My salutations to Mr . Baxter and tell him so . This morning 5 or 6 of Dr . Calamy ' s people have been with me , and talk * t over your fitness for their pulpit again . I told y you had heard y * Mr . Savifl was in their eye . They assure me that ,
tho * he cUd preach with them once or twice , they have no such view or design , nor ever had as a body , however one or two persons might have such a thought . But even that is entirely drppt now . They have , I believe , a . full commis ^ ioa given them to give you a call tcLjondon . But they wcnTd a little know , whether
they are likely to succeed . Upon which I told y I had hinted it to you and I read the words of your letter to y *? , ( viz . ) y * if they proceeded any further it would perplex your thoughts very much , and you ivould willingly be led by providence , &c . They seem'd much pleas'd w w * I read to them , and will probably tell you their mind themselves .
We are now removed and dwell so entirely at Newington , that if I were capable any way of serving your nephew by influence , ( which I am not ) yet my distance of habitation cutts me off from it . May ye great pastor of y church direct your cottrse in feeding any part of his flock . With all due salutations t «
you and yours I , am , Your afFe * e friend and bro . I . WA TTS *
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per for him ; not to make him a poet , but a more intelligent and useful ! Christian , W » I shall be so happy as to see you , I will return these poems , or send them to your order , if you cannot tulifill my hopes of seeing you . With all due salutations to your wife and daughter , lain , Your affect ffriend and bro » 1 . WATTS .
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The Sap Papers . —Original Letters of Hr Watts *
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or speech sufficient to make publications to the world . If he were one half year , or perhaps a month or two , under good instructions , he migjit be taught where his defects are ; but . I question whether what he hats written before such instructions can be-corrected ior the press : Yet sucjh a genius * nd uuch piety methinks should be encouraged . I'll willingly send him a guinea for a present , and any good book or two y * might be pro-
Monthly Repository (1806-1838) and Unitarian Chronicle (1832-1833), Jan. 2, 1810, page 5, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/mruc/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2400/page/5/