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Historical Account of the War * rington Academy . Newcastle , Dec . 20 , 1812 . Sir , I now at length enter on the
fulfilment of my promise ( M . Repos * vol . v . p . 4290 to furnish you with some account df the Warring ton Academy , fromits first establishment in 1757 to its dissolution in 1783 . If 1 had been aware
of the difficulties which I should have had to encounter in clearing up various circumstances connected with its early history , I might
not , perhaps , have been so forward in offering my services , to pay the best tribute in my power to the memory of my alma mater . But when it is considered that more than half
q . century has elapsed , since many important particulars connected with its history occurred , that all the persons engaged in its direction have , for several years , been dead ,
and that Very few remain of those who were students during its mor ^ early periods , * your readers , I trust , will excuse any imperfections which may appear in the following historical sketch .
The period between the years 1750 and 17 ^ 4 , was experienced by the Protestant Dissenters , in the North of England , rooxe especi-
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ally , as particularly critical in respect to their interests as a religious body , which had , from the first separation of the Nonconformists from the Church of England , been served by ministers respectable both for character and learning . The race of ministers who had been bred in the
seminaries of Frankland , Sheffield , Benyon , Coningham * Dixon , Jollie , Owen , were fast retiring from the stage , while the failure , one after another , of the academical institutions which had succeeded
those above-enumerated , and on which the northern congregations had rested their dependance for the supply of vacancies as they occurred , created a general and reasonable alarm . Dr . Doddridge ' s
death , in 1750 , had caused a removal of the Northampton academy to Daventry , where the talents of the new tutor , Dr . Ashworth , were not , as yet at least , appreciated as they probably deserved : the death of Dr . Rotheram , in
1751 , had been followed ( as has been seen , vol . v . p . 218 ) by the entire dissolution of the academy atKendal , and that of Dr . Latham , at Findern , near Derby , in 1 7 ^ 4 , brought to a close an institution to which tke Protestaut Dissenters
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THE MONTHLY REPOSITORY OF Theology and General Literature .
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No . LXXXV . JANUARY . [ Vol . VIII . - - - M _ , ... - _^ J __ . . 1— ¦ - 1 ,, mi m ^^_^^^^^ ^^^^^^^ ^ a^—^ mm——^——^^—^~^—^^ - ^—^^——^^—^—^— " ^—
History And Biography.
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Monthly Repository (1806-1838) and Unitarian Chronicle (1832-1833), Jan. 2, 1813, page 1, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/mruc/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2424/page/1/