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refutation , that many person * of undoubted tolents , learning , piety and liberality , after reading both the " Plea" and the " Examiqa . tion . were of opinion that ,
although there might be occasional inaccuracies in the former , ( and , perhaps , in the latter ) which on such a subject of controversy , need not excite surprise , the main arguments of the •* Plea" remained unshaken .
Will Mr . B . argue , that because no answer was written to the 4 i Examination / ' it was unanswerable ? I have never heard of any answer which the learned biographer has written to the strictures
which have appeared on his famous adulatory Jubilee Sermon , or on his still more famous Letter of high-flown panegyric , addressed to his favouritestatesman , the maker and the breaker of the treaty of Amiens , the author of an inglorious peace and an unjust war ,
, one of the champions of corruption , sinecures , slave-trafficking « and intolerance , —Lord Sidmouth ; or on some of his other writings . Are we , therefore to conclude it to be universally conceded / ' that neither the learned divine and
politician , nor his friends venture *^ to utter a syllable in their defence V * Controversialists should be cautious of using weapons which cut both ways , and which may be so effectually turned against themselves .
But , although there may be many who thought , and who still think , the " Plea" possesses some degree of superiority , even in point of argument , and a high degree of
superiority of style a « ud manner of writing over the c ' Examination , * it matters little , as they arc 4 ll pronounced iguorant , and ,
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of course , not competent to give an opinion on the subject . If they venture to " open their lipsr in defence of the * Plea , * '* they are modestly told—** they have not the least pretensions to biblical
learning V Poor Archdeacon Blackburne ! you were before pronounced a superficial judge ot theological controversy , and now it appears , on the same authority , that you had not * the leasi pretensions to biblical leaFpiag ., ' * The author of the " Plea / ' judging from the notes
accompanying that performance , to say nothing of his other works , was thought , by some , not entirely destitute of " biblical learning / 1 but now we find , that he and his admirers * all those who * presume
to open their lips in defence of the Plea /' must be pronounced des » titute " of the least pretensions" to this important branch of science . AH most lie prostrate under this sweeping sentence . - Let Chris- *
tiaps , therefore , pf all classes , the learned as well as others , who study the sacred writings , henceforth beware how they differ from the oracle of c < biblical learning , ' ' of Essex Street chapel .
Extraordinary as some of the opinions and language I have quoted must appear to the impartial reader , he must prepare him * self for what are still more extraordinary ^ The biographer adds , " The impression naa . de by the
ExammcUtonj on the ingenuous mind of the author of the £ le < au was very cpnsiderabie . Mr . TXobiijsan was * t * mg to the quick s by the grave , &n 4 a * his consmsne * must have testified , the not unmerited Rebuke of his unkaowr * oppaae * tf H i * friej& 4 & urg ^ cfc ti jjo ^
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On Mr * Bclshatafs Account of R . Robinson * H
Monthly Repository (1806-1838) and Unitarian Chronicle (1832-1833), Jan. 2, 1813, page 21, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/mruc/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2424/page/21/