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Historical Account of the Warrington Academy . 3
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t > f religious truth , quitted one of the most respectable situations as a minister among the Dissenters , amidst whom , besides , he had established the most elegible family connections ^ to commence , at so advanced , a period of his life , so laborious an office as that of a tutor in theology . And the society assembling in the Octagon , at Norwich , with great generosity and public-spirit , not only concurred in this mutual sacrifice * but , many of them , very liberally contributed to the funds of the institution .
Ot Dr . Taylor , a tolerably correct life is published in the Universal Theological Magazine , for July , 1804 , ( vol . ii . p . 1 . ) which being a publication in the hands of many readers of the Repository , I have the less need to enlarge in
this place . It appears that he was born at Lancaster , in 1694 , that he studied under Dr . Dixon , at Whitehaven , and settled in 1715 , at Kirkstead , in Lincolnshire *; the salary enjoyed at which
nlace . ( (' which , in a letter published place , which , in a letter published in the same vol . p . 131 , he represents as a little country village , out of the sight or hearing of any thing that is vicious , ) being small he kept a boarding-school . Here he
probably laid in that fund of solid learning , from which hcafterwards drew so liberally , for the promotion of scriptural knowledge . His views of particular disputed points were , as yet , probably , different
* Some curious circumstances are said to have lately occurred here , respecting the right of I he Dissenters to occupy the church , which perhaps some of your Lincolnshire correspondents could lay before your readers . [ See vol . vij # P- 7570
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from what they afterwards were , though this is by no means certain , from his recommending Pool ' s Annotations , and expressing his purpose of abridgiwg Matthew Henry ; a work which would have been , and would still be , very usefuK His first actual
publication was his masterly Defence of the Common Rights of Christians , prefixed to the case of a Mr . Rawson , who was excluded from communion by Mr . Sloss , of Not . tingham , for asserting the Unity of God . In 1733 , he removed to
Norwich , and in 1740 published his Scripture-Doctrine of Original Sin , which soon was warmly attacked by Dr . Watts , Dr . Jen . nings and Mr . Wesley , and ably defended by the author , in his
Supplement published in 1741 . In 1745 , appeared his Paraphrase on the Romans , with a Key to the Apostolic Writings , in which are many valuable remarks , though it also contains some theories which
have been considered as fanciful , particularly his idea of a two . fold sense of the word Justification ; which probably led Dr . Priestley to find so little satisfaction in its perusal ; besides many smaller pieces , among which his Scripture Doctrine of Atonement , is an
ingenious attempt to construct a scheme which shall be consistent with the moral perfections of the Father of Mercies , and at the same time , enable a man to use the language of reputed orthodoxy
Like all such half measures , however , it is generally allowed to have failed of its object . In 1754 , came out his great work , a Hebrew Concordance , in two large folio volumes , for which the University of Glasgow conferred upon
Monthly Repository (1806-1838) and Unitarian Chronicle (1832-1833), Jan. 2, 1813, page 3, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/mruc/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2424/page/3/