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$ 4 On the Methodist Excommunication at Flushing
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metit , that justice may be dona impartially to all the suffering sects . On his return from Iceland a short time ago , the truly venerable - called on i » e > &hd from him 1 had the satisfactory information that in travelling from the sooth of Ireland , through Dublin to the north , he met Pro * testants of all denominations y but .
numerous as they wert % he found scarcely any who did not approve the gospel principle of religious liberty , and with success to that cause which is soon to be pleaded by the Roman Catholics of Ire . land *
In England much has been already done , and with good effect far exceeding our expectations * The Dissenters in London have joined their brethren in the country ; and even the Methodists I
hope are sensible , that to preserve the advantage lately gained by them , still more to gairi that perfect liberty of conscience , to which they with others are entitled , it behoves them to support to the
utmost of flrtrfr power the attempt which will be repeated in the new Parliament , to extirpate intolerance to its lowest root . In this attempt t see no reason to doubt the universal concurrence of our
English Catholics , and * ven new reinforcements may be expected from the increasing liberality of our churchmen . To this effect I urn inclined to draw a favourable ofrien from the late vigorous and truly conscientious reaolutidn of
to sign the Christians ' petition next winter , and , as I understand him , to assist to the utmost of hrs power , by his active co-operation in the south . From his hign character as aril , author and » man , km union with us m
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cannot fail to produce conaide ?* - ble effects . Upon the whole * I trust you will feel as I & >> fnesb encouragement , fresh hopes of success ; it may be rapid ; it majr
be gradual , and even slow ; mi £ now , whether immediately , or after a prolonged struggle , complete success seems sure to be obtained . Y ^ urS ) &c *
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On the Methodist Excommuvtu !* - tion at Flushing * Sir , Jan . % 1819 . The account given m a IMA number ( VqU VII . p , 65 Q ^ vf the excommunication # t Flushing ^ excited in me no small emotion :
I felt for the honour of Method * ism and of Christianity . What , i « there some lament principle in all ecclesiastical orders ' and constitutions , from the con - clave of cardinals at Rome , to the
conference of Methodist preacher ? at Leeds , that irresistibly irfclincfc them , whenever there is a fair c ^ pportunity to restrict , to suspend * to excommunicate and persecute }
Truly , so one would think from an attentive survey of what has been done , and rs still doing , in every department of the vast hiferarchial scale .
Will you permit me » Sir , through the medium of your pub * li cat ion to address a few interrog ^ tiona and considfcr&ti <* ntj to thd managers of thk antichristiah
business ? The proper mediuda , I allow , is the Melhodiat Maga ^ in ^ ^ but I know well that it $ piages apfii closed to any remonstrances with * the rUlii ^ g powers in the ki ogdow of saints . They adhere tdosely to . tke p © w liiical madmm } Tlmt ilothi ^ g
Monthly Repository (1806-1838) and Unitarian Chronicle (1832-1833), Jan. 2, 1813, page 34, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/mruc/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2424/page/34/