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signifies power , and strength , &rrd stability * in opposition to frailty , and feebleness , and impotence ; in wfaieh Holy Spirit and other like phrases , signify God j and ia which the name of God annexed
te ^ any object or quality , signifies that there is in it something great or extraordinary . 4 The Spirit m said in Holy Scripture as Judges vi . 34 . xiv # & to eotoe \* pcm a person when he does goaae noble , tare , ami
worthy action | in like manner as the wicked spirit is said tft enter into Juda * wfe&n h « wag gnilty of so * tfe great and tioforiotffc wk ^ kediurss , Joivn xtii . S 7 , in tvbich however there wrts nothing supernater&b ( Witeoh ' i Christian Die tionary , by Simpson , p . 611 . )
" % . The gracious presence and bfa&f&g Of God , though in the ordinary cortrse of his Pro ^ vid ^ nce ; e . g » Pfenlm exxkix * 7 * 1 8 am , xvi . 13 , 14 , &c , conrpare parti * cuterJy verse 14 at the end . Hero agddn pfcrbaps might be m « tirion « d fetsitp . *> 6 . cainp ^ t ^ vefse 7 . Psalm Ik ll « And it is in
obs ^ rr « ble that w bat Luke xi . 13 ^ i ^ £ fo / jf BpiPity in M ^ tt . vii . 11 ^ ^ i gwr fM % * . Id might be added , that whal in Luke i . 85 , is tkv Jfoly &&& $ * > Sit * in verse ^ 3 , is highly fav&uted , 4 kc Lord is
wtfh thee % &nd in * titte 3 O 9 rs than hmt found favour wick Gody of which , the promise of a Son > and * the futui ^ e gr ^ tttness of k that son , were the ^ proo fs To receive tfote spirit -fe to receive power
whether natural or si » perniattirai . GonipHre in the ongiiidl , Act 6 r . 8 > with Iteb . xi . ai WkI with AbUK iv 90 , tttthe ewA i ver . ^ e tl fc lite % tegi « taittg , und mth Lukre i , ^ U ^ vie , > s ^ t ©^ Hi ^ vlik 14 k < k S * fextmotditta ^ y divine ^ mn-
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muni cation , suggestion , ittovement , impulse , prophecy ; e , g ^ ' Neben \ iah ix . 30 . Isaiah xKiif . 16 . Ezek . xi . 5 . 24 . Comp . xiiiv ' 3 . Zech . vii . 12 * perhaps I Tiftt ^ iv . !• x Now the Spirit speaketh
expressly , * &c . may refer to the prophetic spirit in Jesus Christ . See Matt , xxiv . 4 , 5 , 23 , 24 , % S + Mark xiii . 5 , 6 , 21—23 . Luke xxi . »• <( 4 . Scripture ,- —Scripture * o £ the Old Testament . —accomirto *
dabte prophecy , —prefigumtioh ; e . g . In spirit , Matt . xxii . 4 S t By the Holy Spirit , Mark xii / J § : perhaps signify , accorah ^ to the conception of Matt , aira Mark , under divine influence , by
divine suggestion inprdpketyirig / that is , tittering wofds capable of being applied , and which are actually applied , by apostles and evangelists , to evetfls and their circumstances of Othet tittle ^ . For
ttifc jtewsseetn to ha ^ d Cbn ceived the contents of ail' their saCred books to &ave come from divine inflaence and suggestion ; and particularly to have ascribed th ^ r Hagiographa to the inspiration of the Holy Spirit . ( See Mdimonidw
in Mvr . N&v . or chap . xfv . &t Lewis ' s Antiq . V . iv . 213 : ) and it is not improbable that it waf through this medium , and not directly , that these terms were used ( ifindeed they were so used by them ) to denote divine com . mufticatiort ; For Luke xx . 42 ,
instead of in spirit \ , has , in the B&ok of Psalms ? i fe . 'in 'the * scriptures of the OM TeStameift , Which yt > u acknowledge for the Word HyfGpd ; in th « Hagidgrapha , which you say were written by the 4 nsfii * l * tion of the Ht 3 * y Spirit ;* Actiti * i 6 ^ it is , tkelt ^ Wftart spafte ty the mouth of I >< foid \ in
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Mr . Cappc on the Miraculous &irth ofCittist . . $ 9
Monthly Repository (1806-1838) and Unitarian Chronicle (1832-1833), Jan. 2, 1813, page 39, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/mruc/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2424/page/39/