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him the honorary degree of D . D . His subsequent publications will be noticed in the next communication , in which an attempt will be made to describe his mode of conducting the theological studies of his pupils , so far as it can now be discovered .
Of Mr . Holt the present writer has been able to discover very little . He is said to have been , for some time , a minister at or near Lancaster ; but for a considerable period previous to his settlement ,
he had kept a large mathematical and commercialschool atKirkdale , near Liverpool . A number of the merchants of the last age both in Liverpool and Manchester , were educated by him . He continued
to hold the place of Mathematical Tutor till bis death , in 1772 , and during the earlier periods of the academy , had a considerable number , and always some of the students , boarded with him . He is
represented by his pupils , as having been very much master of his subject , but that , from a hesitating and embarrassed manner , he failed of making ft interesting to his pupils . He was very exact in hearing them demonstrate their
propositions , and in examining their algebraic calculations ,- but if any difficulty occurred , he was not ready at illustration . On these accounts , his department does not appear to have been popular , and several instances occur in the
minutes of the Trustees meetings , of interferences , sometimes rather impertinent ones , with regard to his management of his classes . In his experiments in natural philosophy , he is said to have been accurate and successful , clear in his illustration of the principles to be
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deduced from them , and ready to answer questions that were pro * , posed , and to solve difficulties that were started . Mr . Dyer , who had been proposed by Mr . Holland , his
fellowstudent at Northampton , and warmly recommended by Drs . Avery , Ward , Benson and Chandler , declined the invitation to become the Tutor in the Classics and
Polite Literature . And if the account given of him in the Life of Johnson , by Sir John Hawkins , is not a very exaggerated picture , ( it is evidently a little tinctured both with political and religious
bigotry , ) it was happy for the institution that he did not accept it . If there had not been too gooct grounds for many of Sir John ' s representations , it is probable that some of his more intimate friends
would have vindicated hischarac ~ ter : but if it is only a tolerably correct statement , it holds out a very instructive lesson to young
men of talents and learning of the great importance of decidedly choosing , and then resolutely and actively pursuing , someone useful course of life , and the fatal effects
of suffering the spirit of indecision to grow into a habit . This danger is particularly incident to young men who , like Mr . Dyer , possess some original independent
property , which they are apt to imagine sets them above the necessity of active exertion , which they will soon find is the only road to usefulness and respectability .
To supply Mr . Dyer ' s place , Mr . Scott , of Ipswich , ( well known by his translation of Jrofo and his Lyric Poems , ) was recommended by the friends of the institution at Norwich , Mr . Joseph FriesU ,
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At Historical Account of the Warrington Academy .
Monthly Repository (1806-1838) and Unitarian Chronicle (1832-1833), Jan. 2, 1813, page 4, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/mruc/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2424/page/4/