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there is no authority for supposing that tlj bXotaj among the Greeks , ( or psallo among the Latins , ) was ever employed in reference to singing , exclusively of instrumental music , before or during the apostolic age * $ and , on the other hand ,
we have thoroughly good reason to believe , that this word as used by heathen writers , is exclusively appropriated to the employment of instrumental music . Eus . achius [ in II . p £ . p . 1378 , 52 , ) as quoted by Wet stein , ( on Eph . v . 19 . ) is very express . " In these things /'
he says , we iire to remember , that there does not appear to be any difference between gcSeiv and f ^ eXirsi v ; bur ^ ocXXsiv diffe rs from
* Hesychius ^ see Schleusner , ) in explaining - ^ olWsw only gives gcSeiv
a cfchCLTOL , to sing songs , TiXXeiy and ytivsiy . He has therefore no reference whatever , to what indisputably was the meaning of the word , in and before the apostolic age , when used in connexion "with music . This is rather a remarkable circumstance , but I think it is to be accounted for , by the period in which
rlesychius lived . He is placed by some in the 6 th century , and not earlier than the end of the 4 th , By the use of ^ cxWuj in connexion vrith singing psalms , even if unaccompanie-d with instrumental music , it appears gradually to have lost , among the early Christians , the original appropriation of it to playing or singing
with instruments : and this was greatly aided by the dislike which v as commonly entertained to the use ot instrumental music , during the third and sx > me following centuries , owing , in part , to its having been employed in the temple service among the Jews , and to other circumstances which will be . hereafter
noticed . Hence it is not imp obabie that in the time of Hesychius ^ ctAAa ; , as commonly used , had ceased to have any reference > o instrumental mua . c ; and as his authorities are lost , ve
arcleft to suppose that he rrust , in this cane at least , have employed only such as would not ad us in our pregent inquiry , which docs not respect the use of the word in the later writers , but at the time of the apostles .
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both , as he manifests , by saying , * at supper the harlots ccSovcri koli 4 / aAAoixr ** , ami one of them leads off , and the rest sing together , ' The ode is a composition arranged for singing . But fyaKXeiv is by means of musical instruments ,
and particularly what is peculiarly termed the psaltery / ' Anlus Gelliusf ( Att . Nocu xix . 9 , ) says , qui canerent voce , et <| ui psulle - rent , those who sing with the voice and those who play . C > riil {( sec Schleusnor ) speaks of ^ M ^» as
a musical composition , when it is played melodiously upon a musical instrument , suitably to harmonious words . Psallerc , says Cre-L lius , ( Eth . Christ , lib . iii . c . 9 . ) Ci is to sing with the voice , and at the same time to strike some
musical instrument . ! " H . Stephens ( Thesaurus L . Gr . torn . iv . p « 694 (|) explains the word , a *
• It should be noticed , that this is the very combination of wordsemployed by
the apostle in Eph v . JO . The circumstance is important The opinion of Eustathius , in reference to a case in which theological opinion was out of the question , must appear to most , absolutely decisive . He flourished at the end of
the 12 th century . The early part ot his life , he spent at Constantinople , the place of his bi » th ; and he was afterwards Archbishop of Thessalonica . His commentaries on Homer •¦< are very voluminous , and frequently illustrate the text ; but 1 hey are principally valued }» y gra . marians , for the great assistance they afford in understanding the Creek language "
+ A learned grammarian who flourished in the middle of the second century . I Bishop of Alexandria at the beginning of the fifth centiiy . tj I shall h . tvt- occasion , hereafter , to rite the v \ boie of the e-. cell nt passage from which t best words are tbken :
exce ) l ^ ut , though , in some re pects , decideciiy against those views whjch theso papei . s are designed to state || Stephens introduces his remarks thus , — " Metaphor . Paul in Epist . ad
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On the Use of Vocal and Instrumental Music in Public Worship . 45
Monthly Repository (1806-1838) and Unitarian Chronicle (1832-1833), Jan. 2, 1813, page 45, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/mruc/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2424/page/45/