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of religion have been made by the instrumentality of Mr . Hirons . His ministerial services were serious and devout . In his
discourses he aimed to be intelligible and practical . When his life drew to its close , he was fond of preaching on two texts which shewed what were his general views of Christian doctrine , and
what ihe subjects most congenial to his mind ; the former had much affected him in his early days , in consequence of his hearing it repeated by a pious , but afflicted person in humble circumstances ; it is the last verse of the eleventh chapter of the Epistle to
the Romans : " For of him , ^ , nd through him , and to him are all things , to whom be glory forever . Amen . " The other is the eighteenth verse of the fifth chapter of the second Epistle to the Corinth - ians : " All things are of God , who hath reconciled us to himself
by Jesus Christ , and hath given to us the ministry of reconciliation . " His prayers , both in the family and in public , were solemn , appropriate , pathetic ! , and have been noticed for their excellence , not only by his brethren in the dissenting ministry , but by clergymen of the established church .
In his literary and intellectual character he was superior to many persons of more showy parts and of less self-diffidence . There is reason to believe , that for a large portion of his life he was in the habit of contributing to one of the oldest and most respectable of the
periodical publications- Ot general and especially of theological jtnd historical knowledge , he possessed no inconsiderable stock . An habitual regard to God , and & strong sense of his own depen-
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dance and obligations , were visi . ble in his conversation and behaviour ; and he cordially accepted for himself , and earnestly recommended to others , the great
salvation of the gospel . The scrip ures he interpreted , as became a Protestant , by the scriptures ; neither admitting infallibility to exist in any human uninspired being ( not even in his revered tutor ) nor
assuming it for himself . His opinions on some disputed points were perhaps at nearly an equal distance from those which , justly or unjustly , are regarded as-the extremes of theological seutiment
among professing Christians , But he honoured persons of every denomination , provided he had reason to consider them as sincerely benevolent and pious ; and , in return , he was highly esteemed by all who were themselves estimable .
Never was a man more generally or more deservedly respected , in his sphere , for his unaffected candour and Catholicism , for his upright , peaceful , blameless and consistent deportment , and for his readiness to do good to all
men , as he had opportunity . His benevolence was self-denying as well as extensive ; his disposition extremely generous and grateful . In the duties of domestie life he was a pattern to believers .
To young persons his manners were particularly conciliating ; and he had much pleasure and some felicity in exciting and satisfying their thirst for knowled ge * There were instances in which he
was honoured with the guardian - ship of orphans , to whom he manifested all the tenderness and wisdom of a father . His compassionate heart felt deeply for his friends under their
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Obituary \—~ T he Rev . Jabez Hirons . & 3
Monthly Repository (1806-1838) and Unitarian Chronicle (1832-1833), Jan. 2, 1813, page 53, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/mruc/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2424/page/53/