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and ^ promote the objects of my mission , 4 ,. Risley . Here I ^ readied on a Tuesday , in the middle of the d . ay *» -and though it was in the h-irv £ st-tiinej and tlie people either farmeVs , or persons engaged
in labour , the meeting-house was nearly filled with a deeply attentive audience , 5 u , Ormskirk * The meeting * house here was nearly filled ; the hearers'consisted of ' people who maintain very different -religious
systems * < L Preston . A minister 'is wanted in this place . TUeTneeting-house had been shut up -for nearly six months . I preached
tvvice . The largest Congregation consisted of about 150 persons , f 7 , rQhprley . I preached twice in th jf ^ p l ftce : the meefing-house was well'filled 4 x > tb evenings- I was told maoy strangeFs attended .
8 , Bolt on . I . preacfeed here three times ; had very good congregations *; the largest I estimated at 500 . persons . This coogrQgation is and has lor > g Ibeeh ? very completely Unitarian . The great attention paid to the children and
youth in this place cannot fail to be productive of much , good . The first eveniog I spent here was to Hie xeny interesting . I met several of our bFethren in the ministry whom I had not seen before , and
was edified by their conversation . The last was very animating ; I $ pent it with the minister and a company of genHemen beloogwg to the congregation .
9 » \ Wato *** by * / f-hc meetiughouseb ^ re was , not lo ^ g ^ go , saved from vfalling into the bands -of Calvia&te , by iheju ^ icious « idvioe which -a neighbouring mwaistcr ^ ave tbe ^ oi ^ rogatiou ^ juicl tbe
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laudable exertions of a private gentleman , Mr . P . Baron , who vyenc over and read seraiona , and conducted the religious service
which < preserved ^ the place and congregation till the ^ . p rocured a minister . 1 ^ preached twice ; the place "was filled ; it « holds ^ about 400 j > eopie . This is
l ( Xy JS ^ apjold . a hamlet about a mile and -a half from Ikrrv . Mr . Allard , the minister at JBttry , delivers ym occasional lecture here . ; ^ , t > his 'request T
preached it for him , ; * it was well attendee } . At this lecture ^ a gentleman was present who has lately left the tGalvinis ts * and know a zealous tJnitarian . After the 4
eoture , he requested I -would . preach in his house the next eVeniq ^ which is-situated in a place callea 11 , Catshole , * in Middletoti parish . This * I agreed to do , and hail a , pretty f gootl audience , ^ fter
the service Mr . Baron gave > no ~ tice that I should preach at hm house , a few miles from Boltoru on the Saturday fortnight following . As soon as he bad done tiii $ r a gentleman , a Calvinist , rose and said , " Will < Mr . Wright theu
preach from any text that is ^ g iven him ? " 1 answered , I will ; what is the text ? " He said , " The , p assage , inlsaiaU , His name ^ hail-be called the AltgHy God , ~ &c . " 1 saicjj "_ I will then preach front the whole of that passage . " Tiefore the time came , hand-bills were
circulated throughout the neighbourhood , and it was found ne . cessapy to remove the ( preac&iQgt for the accommodation of the
company , to the 19 ) School r podhi on Co < k $ if Moor > which is aixty feet loug aad thirty wide , Tbia ropm w «» WU 4 llc 4 . s rnaoy Catvinit > U besides ^
Untitled Article
5 S Intelligence . —Mr . U rights Tour in 4 hc NortJu&c& £ m
Monthly Repository (1806-1838) and Unitarian Chronicle (1832-1833), Jan. 2, 1813, page 58, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/mruc/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2424/page/58/