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seen heretical and schismatical pope ? , and 4 ts tfce / a € hereitts to that Anti-chriatian system did not then , so neither are they likely now , to free themselves from the grossne . ss of its errors . Government has shewn its merciful disposition by the offer of pardon to all the deluded men under the name of Luddites , who have committed surh
outrages in the north , and who will avail themselves of it by breaking off from the society . Of those who have been taken , manv have been freed without trial , whilst of a few an example has been made , that will , we trust , deter others from a perpetration of similar crimes . Tranquillity is thus , apparently at least , restored to the manufacturing
counties . The mercantile interest is fully occupied with the consideration of the East Indian Charter , and the company is set completely in array against the administration . The wisdom of this conduct is
not apparent , for the country at large cannot be in favour of monopoly . Howcan a nation consent to be deprived of
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We have as our readers will perceive , extended the present number far beyond our usual limits ; we have still , however , a volume of communications lying by us , and must again entreat the patience of our correspondents . Some of them may complain that we have admitted papers posterior in date to their ' s ; but they win recollect that for the making up of our monthly collection , it is necessary not only th&t we have the given quantity of letter-press , but also that we ensure a
variety suited to the taste of a thousand subscribers . At the beginning of a new year it is customary to make good resolutions , and it is one of ours , which we hope we shall be able to keep , not to be so far behind , as we have been for some months , in our Review department : the present number will not , it is true _ , reflect great credit upon our constancy , but , we trust , the perusal of the foregoing paged will have suggested to the candid reader a sufficient excuse for us .
In the present feverish crisis , when the people in so many places are maddened with bigotry , we lament exceedingly that we are constrained to delay for a moment the insertion of some communications from Bristol on the No Popery cry : w # shall , however , gratify our readers , by informing them that the next Number will contain the Rev . J . Rowc ' s energetic and eloquent speech , delivered at the Anti-Catholic meeting at the before-mentioned ci < y , which is consistent , at lease , in ltavincr r *» fn « erl tc \ he . renresente . d . in narliame . rtf . bv the erreatest Dhilanthroni&t o £
the age , and in setting up afterwards a fierce opposition to justice , charity an < fc freedom : we shall also insert in the same Number an admirable speech of the Rev . Dr . Estlin ' s intended to have been sboken on the same occasion .
On the subject of Peace , as well as No Popery , we mean to make the present Tolume a register of public proceedings . The Nottingham and Hinckley Kesolu * tions and Petitions are therefore designed for speedy use . The Candid Unitarian , who dates from Sytfenham , is' informed , that the Prize Queries , on which he animadverts , were actually put up in one of the soirdisccnt national schools . Does he persist in offering us goldm guineas , if we will point Wt the words religion and virtue in the Bible ?
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all intercourse with the eastern coast of Africa , thjfc vvhele ^ o f ^ r ^ m ^ d | Persia ^ the great empires of ^ CoSiir * Chlnaf and China , an immense sea coast , in short of many thousand miles , because a company in England has territorial possessions in Hindoostan . Ac arty rate , an Englishman ought to have the liberty of sailing to those kingdoms with which the company carries on little or no trade . Freedom of commerce will benefit the
whole empire . Several meetings have been holden for peace , and petitions prepared for par ~ liament , which breathe a spirit which ought much earlier to have been excited . God ' s judgments against the wickedness of Europe have been poured out , but do its wretched inhabitants repent of their
idolatries , of their abominations ? May the advocates for peace continue their efforts , and offer up prayers to the tiirone of grace , that the effusion of blood may be stopped , that kings may be taught moderation , senators learn wisdom , and the people peace and goodwill towards each other .
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S 0 Correspondence .
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ERRATUM . In the last number , Vol . VII . pp . 773 , 774 , passim , for * « Cave /* read Kay *
Monthly Repository (1806-1838) and Unitarian Chronicle (1832-1833), Jan. 2, 1813, page 80, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/mruc/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2424/page/80/