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and particularly to bury the bo . dies of sucli distressed and forsaken persons when dead . The congregation Delia Sta . Trinita Dei Pellegrini is destined , as its name imports , more particularly for the relief of sUangers , and is composed of persons of all classes , who meet in its assemblies
and fulfil its duties without distinctio n * It is governed by five persons , one of whom presides and is generally a prelate or high offi ~ cer of state , die others are a nobleman , a citizen , a lawyer , and an artizan . AH the members attend
the hospital in rotation , each for a week , during which they receive strangers , wash their feet , attend them at table ^ and serve them with the humility , and with more than the assiduity of menials .
The congregation of nobles for fcke relief of the bashful poor . H ? he object of this association is to discover aad relieve such indus . trious persons as are reduced to poverty by misfortune , and have !« € > much spirit , or too much nto- * desty , to solicit public assistance .
The members of this association , it is said , discharge its benevolent duties with * i zeal , a sagacity , and what is siiM more necessary for the accomplishment of their object , « vhU 3 delicacy and kindness truly admirable . j \ ld these confraternities have baUs , churches , and
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Charitable Institutions at Naples .
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hospitals * more or less grand and e # teasive , * ufc tfreir object may require , or their means allow . I need not enlarge further upon this subject , as the institutions already mentioned are sufficient to give the readers an ktea of these confraternities , and to stew at the
same time the extent and activity of Neapolitan benevolence , Mucifc has been said > and , though exag * gerations are not uncommon , oa
this subject , much more may be said against the voluptuousness and debauchery of the inhabitants of this city ; yet it must at the same time be confessed , that in the first and most useiui of virtues , the
grand characteristic quality of the Christian , charity , she surpasses mai ^ y and yields to , no city in the universe , * p , 504 ^ -50 ?*
* Even in the very respect in which Naples is supposed to be most deficient , I mean in regard w > ctustity , the # ? , prc instances of attention jto moYaJity not tf be equalled in any transalpine capital . For instance , there are more retreats open to repentant females , and jptiore means employed ? to secure the innocence of girls eyposed to the dangers-of seduction by their age , their poverty , or bjr
the loss , the neglect , or the wickedness of tbeir parents , than are to be found in London , Paris , Vienna , an 4 Pe ^ rsb ^ rgb united . Ofthi ? latter description there are four hundred educated in one conservatorio , and not only edacated , but when fit for mariiage , porti ( m « 4 out according to their talents .
Monthly Repository (1806-1838) and Unitarian Chronicle (1832-1833), Jan. 2, 1814, page 16, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/mruc/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2436/page/16/