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account which' is , given of the kingdom of God , of : Christ , or of heaven . My peculiar circumstances will account for some peculiarities in
the style and manner of these Discourses * w « hich must necessarily render them very different from cool and formal disquisitions . A judicious friend to whom I shewed the work in manuscript
objected to the passage of which you have made so , unfortunate an application , and to another against the Trinity , which latter I expuogecjy but which , at the conclu * * ionoi ifris letter , I , will lay before
you . , J ? erhap $ ^ n acquaintance with the statue of uiy : miu 4 will suggest the }* e $ t apojogy far ray conduct . 1 tbink th , e doctrine of a
resurrection , the sote a-ndvii ^ aKiubject . of which is n > i § ery : a ^ nd , death ,. and that , .. a . ft $ r the puyi&h men t of death denounced Ag&iust sin has beeji actually endure ^ is ,, next to thcijp ?^^© pf- ' -the . eternity of hel ! - >| prn&ent £ * { by . far the greatest corruption * af Christianity .
I believe the , principal advocates for it have been Unitarians . Now that y ^ e coldest , the raost disgusting ^( lh ^ in ^ bt uonatuiral , the most irrational idea which e ° ver entered the . h ^ nan mind should have bee n connected withcJW ^ principles is , a circumstance which aflecisme with
the . deepest shame and sorrow . Let this association be , dissolved . Let this inconsistency be removejd t Before : we proceed one step farther , in our attempts to- reform the wocld ,. let us reform owrfidves , * . , ,
I wish not to conceal from you * my d ^ r Sir * that , nvv mind has ior some time been , must sensibly a £ cctcd by reflecting outUe moral
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evils which abound in this caun r tr y ^ arising from one cause ; from a cause which might * without any inconvenience , be removed , mm which must , at some auspicious
moment , be removed . The oat / is which are taken but not observed ; the subscriptions which are made ' but not from the heart ; , and the
sentiments which are uttered but not believed , in the solemn worship of Almighty God ; are sufficient to bring down the Divine judgments on the nafion . I accuse no
individual . Dr . Paley acknowledges that these have an existence , and > these , I grieve to say , by a species of argument which pollutes all morality at its fountain , he has . systematically attempted to defendw
Let your mind for a moment dwell on the number of these violations * of truth—violations o& truth in which God is more im ^ mediately concerned , whiph , from the nature of the human mind
and the different opinions which we know have subsisted among mankind , must have been committed since the Reformation . If 1 rightly discern the signs of the times , many causes are now
operating tot bung about the wishedfor change , of substituting the Bible in the room of the Thirtynine Articles , and permitting , the use of a > short and unexceptionable fprm of prayer , by those who Q&n
-Dot in conscience use the present-X « be instrumental in hastening the period when this event will take place , 1 should consider as the happiest circumstance of my ;
life . Now 1 know that the doc * trine of eternal death is by the enlightened < f ih ^ Church of England regarded with hoiror , and they are disposed to receive thai
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Letters between Dr , Tonlmin and Pr . Esttirt . 23
Monthly Repository (1806-1838) and Unitarian Chronicle (1832-1833), Jan. 2, 1814, page 23, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/mruc/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2436/page/23/