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of vniversal restitution * Permit me to call to your recollection , fhat the forty-second article of Edward the Sixth , which was rejected by the compilers of the Thirty-nine Articles in the reign
of Elizabeth , was $ he following : " They also deserve to be condemned who endeavour to restore that pernicious opinion , that al ! men ( though never so ungodly )
shall at last be saved , when , for a certain time appointed by the Divine Justice * they , have endured punishment For their sins commit , ted /'
The Church of England then may be considered as friendly to the doctrine of universal restitution ; and I am convinced that the more rational of its members
would be more favourably inclined to TJnitarianism if they considered this delightful article of belief as inseparably connected with it . Strongly I allow , exceptionably as you think , I have expressed myself in discourses , the object of which was to rouse and
persuade , as well as to convince ; to prepare the soil , as well as to sow the seed . I do Hot , " however , think I have
expressed myself so strongly as Dr . Cogan has done in his last incomparable volume , on which I rely for your complete conviction and that of all Unitarians who will
read it . ' It is on the presumption of tire indissoluble connection of these two grand articles—on the supposition that every Unitarian * from his state of rniud and his
accustomed intellectual process , must become an Univcrsalist , if hd do £ s not dismiss the subject too soon , add if he considers it absolutely and in itself \ and not relatively and compared with the
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doctrine of the eternity of helttorments—it te , I repeat it , on > this presumption , on this supposition ^ that all I which have said has proceeded .
The following sentiment which you will find in the 40 ffth page of Dr . Cogan ' s work , occurred to my mind but was suppressed ; and I hope you will balance this
suggestion of prudence against the act of imprudence which you accuse me of having" committed * * If the eternal misery of any portion of the human species , or their final destruction after
sufferings to which ttvere atre n « H |> ar&llels upon earth , be doctrines according to truth , then is the propagation of the human species to be placed among the most atro
cious of crimes . " Now I will venture to assert , that Dr . Cogan never designed to insinuate that Dr . Toulrriifr was guilty of the most atrociott ^ of trimfes .
I can withletejtial trtith assiire him , that nothing was farther from my thoughts thari to irislfcuate that u he has a mind sealed by prejudice itito which afcguriieiits can gain no admission . "
The other sentence , in page 43 , cannot possibly be djpplfed td Win , as it is addressed scfleiy tb those who are ufcaequiiihted with the languages in which the scriptures were written * Both were iiit&hicted
for the practical use of my own congregation ; and the immediate design of one ivas to excite them to the study of the scriptures ^ and of the other , to excite them to
apply to this study with diHgetice and with minds free from prejudice * ' ¦ " ¦ ; > ¦ " * Of the two gentlemen , mentioned by you , Who ^ e 't ffgi&tnents f endeavoured to shew were nat
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24 Letters between JDr . Tvulmin and Dr . Estlin .
Monthly Repository (1806-1838) and Unitarian Chronicle (1832-1833), Jan. 2, 1814, page 24, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/mruc/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2436/page/24/