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pf ^ e rrpdvteri £ s $ awd u tter unititeili gjbrtity- Ymt $ 9 NO SOCINIAN .
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Works of Serve tus . Sir , Accidentally looking over the other day tautens * work on the Discoveries of ttie Ancients and
Moderns , I was led by the letter of the Abby Riv ^ inserted in it to consult ray copy of the work of Se ^ vetxis , printed in 1531 , and emitted , if DeTrinitatis Errofibus , Libri Semtfetn > , * ' with which are
idufcti up sofne tracts of his , Mmn&ty , ** Djaiogorum de TririL tfcl * 5 , Libri Duo—^ De Justita mgtii Cbtfisti , " publi shed in 1532 Though' * ny copy is much older than uhe celebrated one which
contains the p&ssage on the cifrcufetion of the blood , arid in fact gaVe frise to it > the value of the ^ rbirks is rery different , as may be S * en hy the letter of the-Abby , which as it may gratify inariy of ybur headers , 1 herewith send you
translated . It is addressed to Mr . JDurens , &a < i is in French , but my d > py bf thfc works of Servetus , published in 1531 . 1532 , must Hot be disparaged , as in the de . B ^ riptiortof itj in a note to Dutens ' tvork ^ page 1 &B 9 3 d ed . it is said
to he- a "^ st&r&b book , fetching a p * ifce as high a « a hundred pistoksv * Ge dei ^ hter livre ( namely De Tvittittflis Erroribus , &c . ) qui 4 at tt ^»^ rai ^ e s ' est v ^ ndujusqua ^ tnt piatole ** * ' Servetus corrected
and Enlarged this work , giving it to the public under the title of " Chrfi 5 ttehi ^ in ^'' - it ;« 8 ^ liitti ^ ' in 1553 j feOt th ^ f irfUfde ftft . Calvin , took fctt £ h care to bum thlc ^ fe of it thfit it LK » cUitie exttoiieiy scarce and valuabte . The ! celebrated
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Dr . M ^ ad had a C ^ py ^ a ^ t ! frttW it an attempt wa ^ nhad ^ to priHi an eciition in his time ; but the bishop of London had so much influence with government that
they were afraid to publish it , and the design was dropped whenbnty half the work was printed * * Sdh * e of your readers mfty probably be able to give some intbrmatibn on this mutilated edition ^ of Avhich
copies are probably lfi r \ exnien £ e ; but I am detaining you from [ the letter of the Abby ^ wh ich £ to this purport :- — 46 I have the hohour of transmitting to you , Sir ihe passage of
Michael Servetus , concerning the circulation of the blood , virhich I extracted myself from his buok * entitled , Cbristianismi Restitutio , printed in octavo in 1553 , without mention of place or printer , word for word , line for line , the same
punctuation ^ the same abbrevia - tions , and the same orthography . " In this work are six tracts . The first is entitled , De Trinitate divind , quod in < & non sit invfsibilium trium re-rum- illusion sed vera substantial Del manifestatio
in verbo et comm ^ nicatio Spiritu . It is divided into seven books , of which the two last are in form of dialogues . The passage in question is found in the fifth tract , beginning at page 1 § 9 and ending in page 172 . fJoerhaave arid Haller were mistaken
in saying that it is in a treatise by Servetus , entitled , De Trinitatis Erroribiis , which was printed in octavo in 1531 " " The title of the Wbrk , Chris .
tialiismi Restitution has never been given exactly , such as it really is , neither by La Roche , Voglius , Oaudiu ^ , Niceron , La Bibliognu pkfe Instructive , Osmond ' s Ty .
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Works k > f Sifoetus ' . §?>
Monthly Repository (1806-1838) and Unitarian Chronicle (1832-1833), Jan. 2, 1814, page 27, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/mruc/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2436/page/27/