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Unitarian to preach to them , that none of the churches in their connection , mighi have the temerity to be guilty of such " a manifest and
great impropriety , * ' in future . It remains to be seen , whether the General Baptist churches , of the New Connection , will give up their independence of action , in submission to the decision of a conference
of fifteen of their ministers . - Feeling at ) abhorrence of bigotry , thinking that it will be useful to expose it , that its exposure
will help to diminish it , I send tbis article to your valuable Repository . The illiberally I ex . pose is by no means to be charged on the new connection of General
Baptists at large ; many respectable persons among them , and some of their churches , disapprove and lament all such proceedings . I have known instances of
liberality among them worthy of imitation . With the above proceeding * the Old General Baptists have nothing , todo , they are a distinct body , andhave ever shown themselves the friends of free inquiry
and charity . Praying that all bigotry and uncharitableness may for ever cease , I remaio , dear Sir , ? ery respectfully , Yours , &c . R- WRIGHT .
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JDr . Walker on the Quaker Poor Laws . Bond Court , ifralbrook ^ 26 xii . Friend , 1813 . Thy insertion of the papetf
on Panadelphian Quakerism , [ Vol . VIII . p . 509 , ] lays me under the necessity of redeeming a sort of pledge , which , amid almost overwhelming engagements , I now go to attempt , calamo t / -
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lente , though it may appear tcr be in a round-about kind of way . When the elders of the church of Ephesus had come to Miletus * to see Paul of Tarsus , on his way to Jerusalem , sorrowing most of all for the words which he
spake , that they should see his face no more ; among other de * clarations , he says , tc I have cow veted no man ' s silver , gold or apparel . Yea , ye yourselves know , that these hands have mi *
nistred to my necessities , and to them that were with me . J have shewed you all things , how that , so labouring , ye ought to support the weak , and to remember the words of the Lord Jesus , how bs said , It is more blessed to give than to receive . ^ s
The Friends , in their Epistle of 17 i 8 , say , the rich should consider u it is more blessed to ; giy& than to received The Friends , holding a purer focm o £ religion
than that of Paul and bis brethren , should not have adopted such an ( aristocratic let me call it ) expression . With unhesitating assu . ranee I take upon me to say , that the words could never have es *
caped the lips of the pronouncer of the parable of Dives and La * zarus . Distorted as is his history ^ as we find it recorded by his disci * pies , we yet cannot but be struck with his continual prefereace of what is lowest , in the worlds
« steem , to all that was , and still continues to be , the most exalted among men , , ;; The Friends , in the same epistle ,
say , " With respect to the poor among us , it ought to be considered that the poor , both parents and children , are of our family , and ought not to be turned off to any . others for their support or
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34 Dr . Walker on ( Ae Quaker P&or Laws .
Monthly Repository (1806-1838) and Unitarian Chronicle (1832-1833), Jan. 2, 1814, page 34, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/mruc/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2436/page/34/