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Biblical Criticism.
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iDr . Lloyd ' s Answer to Mr . Jones ' s Vindication of the Common Greek Text in Acts ^ xx . 28 . Indoctorum aut iniquorum judicia contemnere licebit . Prasterea , criticus sitoportct , qui de hoc rerutn genere
sententiam ferre sustmet . Criticis autem ~ a judicando nomen inditum esse constat . Gtuapropter , cui judicii deest subtilitas atque acumen , —criticus alio sensu appetlari nequit , quam quo lucum a non lucendo dictum esse grammatici quidam perhibuerunt . Griesbach .
Sir , The ill luck , to which I owe it that my answer to Mr * Jones ' s last paper on Acts xx » 28 , was mislaid , has occasioned me no small degree of vexation and labor , and must be attended with this
effect , that the subject has lost its interest with me and the pub . lie , « which will probably cause me t ^ resume my e ffort with a degree of languor that will still increase the readers indifference . At the
same time , your learned readers will , probably , think that some apology is due to them , for taking any notice at all of that paper ;
and even those who do not strictly range under the appellation , having now before them , in English , tjhe most important part of Griesbach ' s celebrated note on the
text in question , must perceive that a reply is next to superfluous , and that the office assigned me is , $ imply , that of slaying the slain . I hope , however , for pardon , when I assure each of them that I have
important reasons , that need not to be explained , for submitting to them the following aoimadverlions .
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In my last communication , I refrained from pursuing the ad ** vantages which Mr . J . ' s inadequate discussion of the subject in
dispute had furnished . Too much room would have been taken up for that purpose , and it was my sincere wish to spare my oppo * nent * Although the temper witfe which he has now written would
fairly release me from much cere - mony , self respect will still re * frain me , and induce me to con * - tinue to speak with all possible tenderness .
Mr . J- commences his attack on Griesbach with paying a rather awkward compliment to my le&ra * ing , which he cannot help qualify ^ , ing by accusing me of a want of candour . This accusation is to
me quite unintelligible . My candour must have been excessive ^ indeed , had it led me to succumb under the weight of arguments which were demonstrably shewn to be altogether erroneous , and to be founded either on a want of
learning , or on illogical deduction . The framer of them hat , prudently , left their defence unaU tempted , and will , assuredly , nevetf repeat them . To the gift of prophecy I had not pretended , and could not have foreseen what Mr *
J # would write . What he had written was disposed of for ever . It will soon be seen what must bethe fate of this last production . Before the conclusion of his
first paragraph , we are told that he will proceed to establish the purity of the common text in Acts xx . 28 , 5 < to the confuiio *
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( 38 )
Monthly Repository (1806-1838) and Unitarian Chronicle (1832-1833), Jan. 2, 1814, page 38, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/mruc/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2436/page/38/